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  • Thane


    Same problem here



    same here.
    i think you missed to push the folder “vendor” and so requirements like autoload.php do not exists.




    Warning: require_once(/homepages/29/d386238791/htdocs/CoinsBlog/wp-content/plugins/wp-quiz/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/29/d386238791/htdocs/CoinsBlog/wp-content/plugins/wp-quiz/wp-quiz.php on line 25

    Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/homepages/29/d386238791/htdocs/CoinsBlog/wp-content/plugins/wp-quiz/vendor/autoload.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php7.3′) in /homepages/29/d386238791/htdocs/CoinsBlog/wp-content/plugins/wp-quiz/wp-quiz.php on line 25
    There has been a critical error on this website.

    From the directory at the top of your WordPress install
    (either via FTP or the terminal, if you have access)

    • Change the directory (cd) to wp-content/plugins
    • Rename the directory wp-quiz to wp-quiz-old (mv wp-quiz wp-quiz-old)

    This will prevent the plugin from running. When the developer fixes the problem, you will have to rename wp-quiz-old back to wp-quiz (mv wp-quiz-old wp-quiz)

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by DCDawg.
    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by DCDawg.


    wp-quiz.php, line 25:
    require_once dirname( WP_QUIZ_FILE ) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    but there is neither /vendor directory nor autoload.php file in it.
    plugin is incomplete

    CGS Web Designs


    Same issue…

    Bonjour, la dernière mise à jour a causé une erreur critique et j’ai du désactivé l’extension. Et donc comment récupéré le quizz que j’avais créé svp ?! Impossible de réactiver l’extension. Cdlt, AP



    Hi guys. Just rollback this plugin:

    1. install WP Rollback
    2. Activate it
    3. Go to plugins
    4. search for WP Quiz
    5. Hit the rollback button
    6. roll it to a 2.06
    7. activate it

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by vchinn21.

    Bonjour à tous,

    Merci infiniment à vchinn21 pour cet apport incontournable de WP Rollback, simple et efficace, j’ai récupéré l’ancienne version de wp quiz et j’ai ainsi retrouvé mon quizz des fondamentaux de la photographie, sur lequel j’ai quand même passé plus de 6 heures à le construire… Archived Post Status est aussi utile, entre autres. Re grand merci à vchinn21 (@vchinn21) et bon week-end, AP

    CGS Web Designs


    You don’t need to install a rollback plugin, just go to and scroll to the bottom and download the older version.

    Thread Starter mikisweborg


    The problem is solved with the last update (2.09) WP-Quiz. Thanks everyone.

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