Hi @decalvibes ,
Today I received a response from our developers that they have possibly found the source of your issue.
After careful inspection and testing, they said that there were no issues with this plugin.
Please make sure you have entered a valid quantity for your decimal product. If the min/max and step rules are not satisfied, after you click on the Save or Recalculate or Update button for the item list, the editing of the order is disabled by our plugin to make sure all the quantity rules are satisfied before the order is saved or confirmed. This relates to the proper stock reduction as well.
There is no error if you manually enter a decimal number for your product while it is not a valid number. This was due to the WooCommerce order functionality.
You can watch this video for more information: https://app.screencast.com/YzUln8UHd2nr2
We set up our product to have the min=0, step = 2.44. So the first part, entering 2.44 and 4.88 is okay. But when you change to 5, which is not a valid number, then press Update, there is no error. But in the Console, there are some logs about the quantity rules not satisfied.
So probably that the decimal quantity you entered was not a valid number so that was why the editing of the order was disabled.
Best regards.