FWIW, simply as another user and just to get the ball rolling on possible maintenance fixes for this very thoughtful and useful plugin, I was able to get the code working with the following rewrites (although I did not adequately test these fixes to ensure their sufficiency):
1. Where the .php file currently has “get_currentuserinfo();”, replace that call and the preceding “global $current_user;” with “$current_user = wp_get_current_user();”. (This occurs in three places in the current code.)
2. Where it has “if ($form[‘isEnablePersistentClear]”, change it to “if ( (array_key_exists(‘isEnablePersistentClear’, $form) && $form[‘isEnablepersistentClear’])”. (Perhaps isset() would have been better? Also, I know I don’t resolve here the underlying issue: why was this field once set and now no longer is?)
3. Where it has “jQuery(‘form.gfdp’).live(‘change keyup’, function () {“, change it to “jQuery( document ).on(‘change keyup’, ‘form.gfdp’, function () {“. (While jQuery’s live() still appears to work, it is deprecated, so I add this just in case ?? )
I know these fixes aren’t particularly elegant or necessarily complete, but I thought mentioning them here might help a few.