• tghs


    This plugin was long due for an update (a security one, too) and when it was finally updated it messed up the appearance of the website. Users’ images dissappeared and user name and description was appended redundantly and in ugly fashion after every post, despite being already shown.

    My solution for this annoying mess was to install Simple Local Avatars (by 10up). This plugin has a tool to migrate from another avatar plugin (Wp User Avatar). It can be tweaked to migrate also all local avatars that are stored in the media library and are called with an id (not the ones that are brought from external URLs): Go to the plugin file named “class-simple-local-avatars.php” and at line 1529 change ‘user_avatar’ to ‘_wpupa_attachment_id’. The line should look like this after the change:
    $meta_key = $wpdb->get_blog_prefix( $blog_id ) . ‘_wpupa_attachment_id’;

    The meta_key field name where the local avatar image id is stored is thus changed to make the migration possible from WP User Profile Avatar.

    After this, all you need to do is go into Simple Local Avatar settings and look for “Migrate avatars from WP User Avatar to Simple Local Avatars” andn click on the button. It will only migrate avatars that have local images with ids stored in the meta_key mentioned above, but it works well.

    You can now deactivate and delete this awfully maintained plugin.

    For the images called by external urls stored in usermeta meta_key ‘_wpupa_url’ I did’t search for an automatic solution, as I only had a few avatars shown like this and I changed them manually with the new plugin.

    Hope this helps!

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  • Hi tghs?

    The Issue has been reported, and we will soon release the updated version.
    I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Support Team.

    Plugin Author wpemhelp


    We have released the updated version new version , kindly download the updated version and Let us know if you are facing any problem. Please reach out to us if you face any issues.

    WP Event Manager.

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