Update from 2.11 to 2.12 breaks frontend sorting
thanks for this awesome plugin!
After updating from 2.11.0 to 2.12.5, our frontend sorting is not working anymore.
This is how we retrieve posts:
$trainings = get_posts( array( 'post_type' => 'tribe_events', 'numberposts' => -1, 'suppress_filters' => false, 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'tribe_events_cat', 'field' => 'term_id', 'terms' => $term->term_id, ) ) ) );
This is the debug error message when it is NOT working:
[04-May-2022 09:52:36 UTC] DEBUG_MSG: [88]./public/class-reorder-post-within-categories-public.php + RPWC2 SORT VALIDATION, sorting posts in term: 691 [04-May-2022 09:52:36 UTC] DEBUG_MSG: + RPWC2 SORT VALIDATION, found post_type 'tribe_events' / taxonomy 'tribe_events_cat'(691) [04-May-2022 09:52:37 UTC] DEBUG_MSG: + RPWC2 SORT VALIDATION, found post_type 'tribe_events' / taxonomy 'tribe_events_cat'(691) [04-May-2022 09:52:37 UTC] DEBUG_MSG: + RPWC2 SORT VALIDATION ABORTED, for orderby: date
I already tried the following filter with no success:
add_filter('reorderpwc_filter_multiple_post_type', 'filter_my_ranked_post_type', 10, 4); function filter_my_ranked_post_type($type, $post_types, $taxonomy, $wp_query){ if('tribe_events_cat' == $taxonomy && in_array('tribe_events',$post_types)) $type = 'tribe_events'; return $type; }
With version 2.11.0 this is the debug output:
[88]./public/class-reorder-post-within-categories-public.php + RPWC2 SORT VALIDATION, sorting posts in term: 691 [04-May-2022 10:03:13 UTC] DEBUG_MSG: + RPWC2 SORT VALIDATION, found post_type 'tribe_events' / taxonomy 'tribe_events_cat'(691) [04-May-2022 10:03:14 UTC] DEBUG_MSG: + RPWC2 SORT VALIDATION, sorting posts in term: 691 [04-May-2022 10:03:14 UTC] DEBUG_MSG: + RPWC2 SORT VALIDATION, found post_type 'tribe_events' / taxonomy 'tribe_events_cat'(691) [04-May-2022 10:03:14 UTC] DEBUG_MSG: + RPWC2 SORT VALIDATION, overriding orderby: date
Could you have a look at this issue?
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