• Resolved needforname


    Hello. I just tried updating to the latest version of the plugin, yet it’s showing a very lengthy “update failed” message which is taking up my entire plugins page. I have no idea what to do, since it offers no solutions. Can you please let me know why this might be happening? I searched this forum for “update failed”, yet can’t find any related issues. I also did a Google search. Any advice on what to do would be appreciated. Thank you. I’m posting the message it’s showing me below:

    Update Failed: <!DOCTYPE html> <!–[if IE 8]> <![endif]–> <!–[if !(IE 8) ]><!–> <!–<![endif]–> ‹ Nashville Graphic Design | DesignBuddy.com — WordPress addLoadEvent = function(func){if(typeof jQuery!=”undefined”)jQuery(document).ready(func);else if(typeof wpOnload!=’function’){wpOnload=func;}else{var oldonload=wpOnload;wpOnload=function(){oldonload();func();}}}; var ajaxurl = ‘/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php’, pagenow = ‘dashboard_page_aioseop-about’, typenow = ”, adminpage = ‘dashboard_page_aioseop-about’, thousandsSeparator = ‘,’, decimalPoint = ‘.’, isRtl = 0; img.wp-smiley, img.emoji { display: inline !important; border: none !important; box-shadow: none !important; height: 1em !important; width: 1em !important; margin: 0 .07em !important; vertical-align: -0.1em !important; background: none !important; padding: 0 !important; } <!–[if lte IE 7]> <![endif]–> window._wpemojiSettings = {“baseUrl”:”https:\/\/s.w.org\/images\/core\/emoji\/11.2.0\/72×72\/”,”ext”:”.png”,”svgUrl”:”https:\/\/s.w.org\/images\/core\/emoji\/11.2.0\/svg\/”,”svgExt”:”.svg”,”source”:{“concatemoji”:”http:\/\/designbuddy.com\/wp-includes\/js\/wp-emoji-release.min.js?ver=5.1.1″}}; 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Premium is here. Click here for details or to go premium! | Hide NoticeSubscribe to Comments Reloaded has been updated to version 160115.This version includes fixes to broken links while managing your subscriptionsPlease visit the Changelog for a complete list of changes.Got it. Announcement: Introducing Comment MailComment Mail is a new free plugin based on the original Subscribe to Comments Reloaded and includes all of the core StCR features.A powerful StCR importer lets you import your StCR settings and subscriptions into Comment Mail, allowing for a seamless transition.Need more powerful features to manage your subscriptions but can’t wait for StCR? Take a look at Comment Mail!Note: Subscribe to Comments Reloaded remains in active development.Got it. Thank you for installing Subscribe to Comments Reloaded!.If you find a bug or an issue you can report it here.Please visit the Changelog for detailed information on plugin changes.Dismiss. Warning! Your MailChimp for WordPress Pro license is inactive which means you’re missing out on updates and support! Activate your license or get a license here. I know. Don’t bug me. Akismet & Privacy. To help your site with transparency under privacy laws like the GDPR, Akismet can display a notice to your users under your comment forms. This feature is disabled by default, however, you can turn it on below. Please enable or disable this feature. More information. This theme recommends the following plugins: Contact Form 7 and Go – Responsive Pricing & Compare Tables. The following recommended plugin is currently inactive: MailChimp for WordPress. There is an update available for: WooCommerce. The following plugins need to be updated to their latest version to ensure maximum compatibility with this theme: Osmosis Demo Importer, Osmosis Extension, Revolution Slider and WPBakery Page Builder. Begin installing plugins | Begin updating plugins | Begin activating plugin | Dismiss this notice Welcome to All in One SEO Pack 2.12.1 All in One SEO Pack 2.12.1 contains new features, bug fixes, increased security, and tons of under the hood performance improvements. What’s New Credits Support All in One SEO Pack There are many ways you can help support All in One SEO Pack. Upgrade to All in One SEO Pack Pro to access priority support and premium features. Upgrade Help translate All in One SEO Pack into your language. Translate Get Started Beginners Guide for All in One SEO Pack Beginners Guide for XML Sitemap module Beginners Guide for Social Meta module Tips for good on-page SEO Quality guidelines for SEO titles and descriptions Submit an XML Sitemap to Google Set up Google Analytics Did You Know? We have complete documentation on every setting and feature Access to video tutorials about SEO with the Pro version Control SEO on categories, tags and custom taxonomies with the Pro version Continue to the General Settings » All in One SEO Pack is created by a worldwide network of friendly folks like these. Project Leaders Michael Torbert Project Lead Steve Mortiboy Project Manager Yuqian Liu Project Manager Core Team Arnaud Broes Team Lead Ashish Ravi Development Team Ben Reames Development Team 🌟Recent Rockstar Contributors🌟 Want to see your name and picture here as a community developer? Click here to open an issue on GitHub to report a bug, request a feature or find an issue and submit code! Rebecca Hum Mayo Moriyama Dougal Campbell Alejandro Mostajo Aaron Brodney Stanislav Samoilenko Shohei Tanaka Ross McKay Adam Silverstein Vinicius Schettino Srdjan Jocic Gennady Kovshenin Translation contributors and translation editors Pierre Lannoy, Sonja Leix, Adil El hallaoui, simonie, lenasterg, Arnaud Broes, Bego Mario Garde, wp-yogi, Steve Mortiboy, webaware, escribirelmundo, Pascal Casier, Shohei Tanaka, Nurron Shodiqin, Alyssa Primandaru, facestoro, Dawa Torbert, Michael Torbert, Istvan Zseller, Paal Joachim Romdahl, Almaz Mannanov, vide13, Jurica Zuanovic, arhipaiva, Maxim Anikin, Petya Raykovska, hathanh0809, Cédric Valmary, Vladimir Smitka, Paul P., Aleksander Savkovic, Diogo Sanches, Klemen Fajs, Adrian Castellanos, exilhamburger, Gary Jones, Fernando Tellado, Carlos Zuniga, Fran?ois Bernard, jack0falltrades, Dan Caragea, kyla81975, Arild Knudsen. <!– wpbody-content –> <!– wpbody –> <!– wpcontent –> Thank you for creating with WordPress. Version 5.1.1 <# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden(‘post_type’, loop)) { #> Post types {{{ vc.loop_partial(‘checkboxes’, ‘post_type’, loop) }}} Select post types to populate posts from. Note: If no post type is selected, WordPress will use default “Post” value. <# } #> <# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden(‘size’, loop)) { #> Post count {{{ vc.loop_partial(‘text-input’, ‘size’, loop) }}} How many teasers to show? Enter number or word “All”. <# } #> <# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden(‘order_by’, loop)) { #> Order by {{{ vc.loop_partial(‘dropdown’, ‘order_by’, loop) }}} Select how to sort retrieved posts. More at WordPress codex page. <# } #> <# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden(‘order’, loop)) { #> Sort order {{{ vc.loop_partial(‘dropdown’, ‘order’, loop) }}} Designates the ascending or descending order. <# } #> <# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden(‘categories’, loop)) { #> Categories {{{ vc.loop_partial(‘autosuggest’, ‘categories’, loop) }}} Filter output by posts categories, enter category names here. <# } #> <# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden(‘tags’, loop)) { #> Tags {{{ vc.loop_partial(‘autosuggest’, ‘tags’, loop) }}} Filter output by posts tags, enter tag names here. <# } #> <# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden(‘tax_query’, loop)) { #> Taxonomies {{{ vc.loop_partial(‘autosuggest’, ‘tax_query’, loop) }}} Filter output by custom taxonomies categories, enter category names here. <# } #> <# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden(‘by_id’, loop)) { #> Individual Posts/Pages/Custom Post Types {{{ vc.loop_partial(‘autosuggest’, ‘by_id’, loop) }}} Only entered posts/pages will be included in the output. Note: Works in conjunction with selected “Post types”. <# } #> <# if(vc.loop_field_not_hidden(‘authors’, loop)) { #> Author {{{ vc.loop_partial(‘autosuggest’, ‘authors’, loop) }}} Filter by author name. <# } #> <# var is_locked = vc.is_locked(data), disabled = is_locked ? ‘ disabled=”true”‘ : ”, value = _.isObject(data) && !_.isUndefined(data.value) ? data.value : ”; #> <# var is_locked = vc.is_locked(data), disabled = is_locked ? ‘ disabled=”true”‘ : ”; #> <# if(_.isObject(data) && _.isArray(data.options)) { #> <# _.each(data.options, function(opt) { var value, label; if(_.isArray(opt)) { value = opt[0]; label = opt[1]; } else { value = opt; label = opt; }#> {{ label }} <# }); #> <# } #> <# var is_locked = vc.is_locked(data); #> <# if(_.isObject(data) && _.isArray(data.options)) { _.each(data.options, function(opt) { var value, label, params; if(_.isArray(opt)) { value = opt[0]; label = opt[1]; } else { value = opt; label = opt; } params = _.indexOf(data.value, value) >=0 ? ‘ checked=”true”‘ : ”; if(!_.isEmpty(params) && is_locked) params += ‘ disabled=”true”‘; #> {{ label }} <# }); } #> <# limit_param = _.isObject(settings) && !_.isUndefined(settings.limit) ? ‘ data-limit=”‘ + settings.limit + ‘”‘ : ”; #> {{ label }} {{ description }} {{ label }} <# _.each(options, function(option) { #> <# if(_.isArray(option)) { #> {{ option[1] }} <# } else { #> {{ option }} <# } #> <# }); #> {{ description }} {{ label }} <# _.each(options, function(option) { #> -1 ? ‘ checked=”true”‘ : ” }}> {{ option[1] }} <# }); #> {{ description }} {{ label }} Yes {{ description }} {{label}} Close dialog Session expired Please log in again. The login page will open in a new tab. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. /* <![CDATA[ */ var commonL10n = {“warnDelete”:”You are about to permanently delete these items from your site.\nThis action cannot be undone.\n ‘Cancel’ to stop, ‘OK’ to delete.”,”dismiss”:”Dismiss this notice.”,”collapseMenu”:”Collapse Main menu”,”expandMenu”:”Expand Main menu”};/* ]]> */ ( ‘fetch’ in window ) || document.write( ” );( document.contains ) || document.write( ” );( window.FormData && window.FormData.prototype.keys ) || document.write( ” );( Element.prototype.matches && Element.prototype.closest ) || document.write( ” ); /* <![CDATA[ */ var heartbeatSettings = {“nonce”:”74647b0759″}; /* ]]> */ /* <![CDATA[ */ var authcheckL10n = {“beforeunload”:”Your session has expired. 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Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • Plugin Author WPKube



    That’s a bit weird. Shouldn’t be caused by the plugin, but let’s figure out what’s going on.

    Are you able to update other plugins? Or if you don’t have any plugins that have new versions are you able to install new plugins?

    Thread Starter needforname


    Hello. Thank you for the reply. I appreciate it. That is strange… I just now logged in to my admin and the error code was no longer showing. It was showing that a new update was still available, so I did so and it successfully updated. So whatever the issue was has apparently been resolved. Not sure why this happened, as other updates worked yesterday. Anyway, everything appears to be ok. Thanks again for the follow-up.

    Plugin Author WPKube


    Happy to hear it’s sorted out. Might be some temporary issue with the WordPress update system.

Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)
  • The topic ‘Update Failed’ is closed to new replies.