• Resolved adriannees


    Guys… not thrilled with the fact that I have to go back and re-do all of my visibility rules after the update. Especially since there wasn’t a warning this would happen in advance. I understand breaking changes happen sometimes but a warning would have been nice.

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  • Plugin Author StaxWP


    Hi, we moved the setting to allow new UI and to support more settings.
    Old settings are still there so nothing is lost if you rollback to the previous version.

    Please update to latest version 2.1.1 and rerun our settings database migration just to be sure everything is as it should.
    Access your admin area with this parameter in link:

    so it should look like this:

    Please let me know

    Thread Starter adriannees


    That link does nothing. it just sends me to the wp-admin

    Plugin Author StaxWP


    Thanks for getting back. That is fine. it just reruns the migration. Please check and the settings should be fine now.

    Let me know

    Thread Starter adriannees


    It did not do anything. The settings are still missing.

    Plugin Author StaxWP


    And you are on the latest update 2.1.1?

    Plugin Author StaxWP


    Also please go to Elementor editor and check the Stax Visibility tab and then the Role section on a section or widget you know you had restriction settings applied.

    Plugin Author StaxWP


    If you can’t successfully migrate, for now you can get the old 1.2.0 version and upload it to WP admin – Plugins – Add new.


    Then we can work on a staging site and see that is wrong there.

    Thread Starter adriannees





    and actually enable visibility logic was set to no when I first looked at the page. I enabled it to see if maybe the user settings had ported but no.

    Plugin Author StaxWP


    Was the User role setting to ON?

    can you export me that Elementor template and put it on pastebin.com?

    Plugin Author StaxWP


    Hi @adriannees, starting with version 2.1.3, we added safe fallback for older settings from v1.
    Old settings are now being taken into consideration and are available in the Widget settings. You can switch to the new settings if you like or just leave them as they are.

    This makes the migration from v 1.x safe. No settings were lost while you updated to v2.

    You can safely update to v2.1.3 and previous settings will take place. Old settings will show in the Stax Visibility tab when editing an Elementor widget or section.

    Thanks for your patience and support and our team is always here for you.

    All the best


    Plugin Author StaxWP


    Hi, let me know if this is solved so we can close the topic.


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