There’s nothing wrong with the users of my site and their capabilities, I will not change them.
There’s also nothing wrong with my admin user, I always have admin/dashboard access. It’s the lower roles that get redirected from wp-admin to my-account.
Thus, changing the record of wp-capabilities as you suggest, is not going to solve anything unless I want all the users of my site to become admins, which I don’t want.
Even if I were to to make the changes you suggest, I’m not sure they are correct since most of the entries you write about are serialized in the BD.
I marked version 2.3.7 of woocommerce as being broken with WP 4.1.1 and will install and test woocommerce 2.3.5, as OP says it works.
EDIT: I found something odd I will test out. When going through threads searching for solutions I noticed that some people’s HOME URL and SITE URL (as displayed by woocommerce>system status) are the same, and mine’s are not. My HOME URL is HTTP while the SITE URL is HTTPS. I was on https when I installed woocommerce, although I later unchecked any options to force https on checkout or login, dunno if this affected it.
– see if I can mannually change SITE URL from HTTPS to HTTP and check if it has any impact.
– reinstall woocomerce, this time on http connection, and see what happens