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  • Yes, but the popup (lightbox) windows has a wheel of dead – nothing happens.

    2.0.9 installed. Update to prevents site from loading, white screen. Reverted back to 2.9 to get site back. (ms 3.9.2)

    Hi @yoursql719, @okso,

    Thanks for reporting those issues. I’m unfortunately unable to replicate that here using the latest version.

    Could I ask for you to try it with all other plugins deactivated and using Twenty Fourteen to see how it works with that?

    It’s a quick test that’ll help pinpoint if it’s due to a plugin/theme conflict.

    Could you let us know how that goes?


    hi @david
    all good with

    Hi @david

    I′ve tried and yes it seems that there′s a conflict with the old standard theme of 8bit, which is no longer available. If I click on sidebar location, I got the following errors at Chrome console:

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) /wp-content/plugins/custom-sidebars/inc/external/wpmu-lib/js/
    Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function /wp-content/themes/standard/js/admin.min.js?using_sitemap&ver=3.3.5:3

    Hi @yoursql719,

    Thanks for those details, it sounds like maybe that file’s actually missing. Could you try reinstalling the plugin?

    If that doesn’t sort it, could you please create a new topic so we could look into that with you?


    Short note on the 404 error:
    The “.map” files are not included in the plugin releases; they are files used for JavaScript debugging. This 404 error can be prevented by us (and will be in the future) but it has zero impact on the Custom Sidebars plugin itself.

    It seems that your theme has a problem and causes a javascript error.
    Due to the javascript error there might be a loss in functionality of the plugin, or there might be different errors that are not displayed in the console, etc…
    My suggestion would be to change the theme to Twenty-Fourteen and see if the custom sidebars are working there. If they do work, then you’d need to check the theme for the exact issue – don’t worry, we’re helping you with it, but please open a new thread for this, as David menitoned ??

    Thanks, Philipp

    HI there,

    I just installed the update. Things appear to be working ok, except for my home page, where the settings for sidebar 2 don’t seem to be working. This sidebar is set manually in the page admin and it ought to deliver the same sidebar that is used throughout the site. (Click on pretty much anything and you’ll get a column of square logos.) This sidebar is used throughout the site and is set for all pages, as well as being set individually on this page.

    I tried removing the individual page setting, but that didn’t help.

    Also on the home page, the widget which is supposed to display in the widget area above footer is missing. this is also something that is consistent on the whole site, and set individually on the home page. It’s working everywhere else, but not here.

    I have reloaded version 2.0.7 and now the home page is working again.

    My site is

    Hi @violetta,

    Thanks for posting, though I see you’ve got a topic posted here already:

    I’m taking a look back at that and we can continue looking into it there. ??


    I was having this issue as well. Here’s what I ended up doing:

    1. Install and connect Jetpack
    2. Appearance > Widgets > Select which sidebar, from Main, Left or Right, I want to work with.
    3. Add widgets to that sidebar and manage Visibility settings for each individual widget.
    4. Deactivate and Delete Custom Sidebars plugin


    Hi @aaearhart,

    Thanks for posting your particular resolution, though it sounds like you simply used Jetpack instead, correct?

    If you’re having trouble using Custom Sidebars, we’d love to look into that with you. You can simply create a new topic and we’ll be right along to help. ??

    Cheers, David

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