More details on how to fix on our blog:
If you updated to 1.8.7 and received a fatal error.
First, I’m very sorry about this. The version of the plugin pushed to the servers was missing some files. We’ve since uploaded the missing files, but if you updated to PMPro v1.8.7 between 3pm and 3:45pm EST Wednesday January 20th, 2016, then you might have gotten the corrupted version.
There are a couple ways to fix this. Both will require FTP access.
First Method:
1. FTP to your site and delete the /plugins/paid-memberships-pro/ folder. (DO NOT DELETE THE PLUGIN FROM THE PLUGINS PAGE IN THE WP DASHBOARD OR ALL OF YOUR DATA WILL ALSO BE DELETED. But deleting via FTP only deletes the files.)
2. Re-download Paid Memberships Pro through the WordPress dashboard.
Second Method:
FTP into the site and upload these three files to the /plugins/paid-memberships-pro/ folder:
If you need help with this. Please post to our member forums and we’ll get in touch quickly.