• Hi all,
    I’m not wanting to tread on the developers toes but it seems he has vanished, and there are plenty of us that would like a copy that works with 3.4.2 and up.
    So i have taken it on myself to produce a fixed version for which i have upped the version number to 1.90 .
    Should the developer come back on the scene i will give him all my fixes and let him continue. Until then i will try and keep it upto date although i cannot put it on here as i do not have access.
    If enough people are happy with this then i will publish the plugin on a page on our site along with changelogs etc.


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  • Hey. Thanks for taking this on. I have been working on fixes but I’m a bit of a newbie and didn’t get them all together.

    Just a couple of easy things you might want to fix:
    – Amount field is set to text rather than decimal, so amounts get rounded.
    – If widget is one sidebar and main part of page also has a [donateform], the jquery to that shows/hides the name info doesn’t work on both forms, I think because it’s selected by id and you end up with multiple ids with the same name on the page.

    I was working on a few small enhancements, but I’m glad to have someone with more experience take this over. It a valuable plugin for the non-profit I just did a site for.

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    I think i might have a fix for the decimal point issue .

    It looks to me that the issue lies with the database creation when the script is first installed.

    function DonatePlusInstall () {
       			global $wpdb, $dplus_db_version;
    			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "donations";
    			if($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLES LIKE '$table_name'") != $table_name) :
    				$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name  (
    					  ID bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    					  name tinytext NOT NULL,
    					  email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    					  url VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
    					  comment text NOT NULL,
    					  display int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    					  amount bigint(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    					  currency VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
    					  date datetime DEFAULT '000-00-00 00:00:00',
    					  user_id bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
    					  status VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    					  txn_id VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
    					  UNIQUE KEY ID (ID)

    If you look at the value amount you will see its type is set to bigint which i think does not allow for decimal points.
    I think we need to change this from :

    amount bigint(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

    To :

    amount double(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',

    To try it you would have to go to the donate plus admin and click on
    “Uninstall Donate Plus Tables and Options”

    Then modify the file and re-install the plugin.

    If anybody is game to try it let me know and i” post the links for a new version to download.

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    Scrub that last line double doesn’t store values exactely which will be no good for say £1.59 etc .

    So change this from :

    amount bigint(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

    To :

    amount decimal(10,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.00',

    Hope it helps, i’ll try and test it soon.

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    I have now made a page where you can get the latest Donate Plus version 1.90 from at https://www.exousialinux.org/donate-plus/

    Email me with issues and ideas at justine AT exousialinux DOT org


    Thanks for doing this. I ended up making many changes to the plugin including proper repeating donations, decimal points, better integration with PayPal fees, progress bar, etc. I even fixed the IPN issue, albeit a bit of a bodge job perhaps. Yes, I think the developer has disappeared.

    You can see the working plugin in action on this page:


    You can even make a donation if you want (hee hee!)

    I wouldn’t want to upgrade and lose the features I have implemented, but would be happy to collaborate on developing the plugin to include these features with proper bug fixes.

    Let me know.


    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    Hi Nick ,
    If you could help that would be great !
    Could you email me your plugin with a list of changes you made etc and i’ll set about putting them into the new plugin.
    The IPN issue i have fixed and i think i have got the decimal point issue as it seems to be the way the database was setup to start with.
    And i like the progress meter thats definately going in.
    So hopefully very soon you will not loose any features but you will gain more.

    Justine Smithies ( justine AT exousilainux DOT org )

    Hi Justine

    I just tried to send an email to you with further details, using the above address but replacing the AT and DOT and it bounced.


    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    Ooops sorry Nick justine AT exousialinux DOT org

    Thanks a lot for taking this one on. It will benefit many people.

    As ideas for enhancements, here ‘s a couple of things I put in the version I did for my recent non-profit:

    Option on admin page to ask for url or not. Most of our donors are individuals and the web page box confuses them.

    Record both gross and net amounts in database and add to the reporting page.

    I know I don’t have to show you guys how I did these, as they are obviously small code changes.

    Thread Starter justinesmithies


    OK as I have made a fork of Donate Plus called Donate Extra and its for everybody.
    If you have made any code enhancements send them to me with details of what and why and if they make the grade I’ll include them and your names etc in the authors section.

    justine AT exousialinux DOT org

    Download from Donate Extra

    Hopefully soon you will find Donate Extra on this WP Plugins site too.


    Is here a reason why this new plugin version is not uploaded at wordpres.org ? Just wondering. Since it would give more of a sense of reliability.
    I appreciate all efforts in keeping this plugin up to date which by the way is the most easy , convenient and practical wp paypal plugin.

    I just wanted to add that I was referring to the Donate Plus plugin.

    Ok …got it! Donate extra replaces Donate Plus.

    Just one thing, while testing Donate extra I noticed that recurring payments let’s say x amount montly for x number of time does not match wht’s on https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr.

    20.00 usd per month X 4 = 20.00 usd per month for the next 4 months.

    on https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr appears:

    20.00 usd once = only for 1 month.

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