update 3.0.0
JS Optimization is disabled by default and requires manual configuration
Third party scripts can now be delayed until user interaction, to improve the initial loading time
Having trouble with page speed scores down dramatically!Manual convfiguration>>>??
3rd party scripts configuration???Need help
ThanksThe page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Have you checked the HELP section on the plugin?
There is a detailed explanation for each field and how you can improve scores.3rd party scripts configuration is anything you put on your site, like tagmanager, ads, facebook, etc.
Manual configuration, usually… is to put jquery and jquery migrate on the render block option, and the rest on the deferring section. There are examples on the boxes, as well as on the help section of recommended defaults.
yes, my mobile scrore down drastically, now can′t put font awesome async or any css file separatly.
before update can exlude per plugins in css and js, now if i put /wp-content/ in defer makes a big file and can′t make more small files. If a combine /wp-content/ and another /wp-content/plugins/oneplugin/ only works /wp-content/
i dont now how its works ??
Version 3.0.1 has extra font optimizations now, so please purge caches and it should work better.
Recommended Default Settings:
Merge render blocking JS files in the header
/jquery-migrate- /jquery-migrate.js /jquery-migrate.min.js /jquery.js /jquery.min.js
Merge and Defer Scripts:
/ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/ /ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/ /cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/ /stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/ /wp-admin/ /wp-content/ /wp-includes/
This will render block jquery, and defer the rest.
If you only want to defer a few plugins, then you need longer paths instead and to remove the wp-content path, else it matches everything. It will match whatever you put there, so if you put one character, it will match everything that matches that character.
/plugins/something/ /plugins/something-else/
Well—that seems to have brought back all of the great performances!!
Only only a question on the CDN===
I have my URL from Key CDN employed — about CDN merger??Select your options below
Enable CDN Processing [ Will enable processing for the settings below ]
Enable CDN for merged CSS files [ Will serve the FVM generated CSS files from the CDN ]
Enable CDN for merged JS files [ Will serve the FVM generated JS files from the CDN ]
CDN URL[ Not needed for Cloudflare or same domain reverse proxy cdn services. ]
CDN Integration Replace the following elements
——>>>I took out what was in the CDN integration box—-
Should it be put back in??
I understand how it works now, but for example before I could say that only one file was async and that it did not count in psi. Now it just lets me have either 1 big CSS or JS file. If I exclude any file, it remains unminified and therefore the first load moment is very slow. Before, FVM created the files in the correct order and divided the files between the footer and the header into smaller files. It used Defer parsing option and Exclude JS files in the “ignore list” from PSI with CSS inline footer option and a few ASYNC css files. dafault exclude files only for elementor: /plugins/elementor/assets/js/common.min.js for example.The speed for mobile was less than 2 seconds now it is impossible to lower than 5s and the LCP, and other metrics is very very poor.
Thx for your time
What a madness! Now I have a much better score in Gmetrix than before the update, it tells me that it is all fucking great and with very good speed. On the other hand, the google speed test is the one that I say has gotten worse, the speed metric does not square anything between one and the other. In gmetrix 1.7s and in Google speed insights 4.6s.
The Largest Contentful Paint 1.2 vs 7.1 s respectively.And google Think test 2.9s
What the fuck happens to these google tests?
With the Recommended default settings applied above (except for Default Cdn settings of which I checked all ( still not sure what the example cdn integration box is for) —
Page speed on mobile and desktop is 98-100% !
Gtmetrix varies considerably- byween structure and performance; generally now 95- 99 depnding on server response time! ( SiteGround NOW sucks…I understand how it works now, but for example before I could say that only one file was async and that it did not count in psi.
I have removed this feature, because this was using document.write (deprecated by google) and also because treating PSI differently than normal users is now considered cloaking and it’s bad for SEO.
You can still add a specific local script to the “Execute matching third party scripts after user interaction” but this will only work for scripts that are already async, deferred or inline javascript.
The default method of enqueueing js files by most plugins, uses render blocking scripts, hence it won’t work anymore without cloacking.
A possible solution, would be to remove the offending script, and add it to the header or footer async or deferred. Then FVM would be able to pick it up and delay it, without cloacking.
On the other hand, the google speed test is the one that I say has gotten worse, the speed metric does not square anything between one and the other. In gmetrix 1.7s and in Google speed insights 4.6s.
The Largest Contentful Paint 1.2 vs 7.1 s respectively.Pagespeed Test, considers your location and latency to the server and testing tool.
The further away you are from the server, the lower scores you will see.Mobile and Desktop are also completely different, you cannot compare the Mobile test with gtmetrix. The mobile test simulates a very slow internet speed of 1.6 Mbps and 150 ms, so that’s roughly 200 Kb of data per second.
It also simulates a 2015 Moto G4 device, which means it will execute javascript very slowly. The more scripts you have, the slower scores you will see.
What you need to look is at the recommendations and opportunities.
If they are completely different from gtmetrix, then likely you are seeing some cached page.If your site is behind a CDN it may be cached in certain regions in one way, and differently in others.
Ensure all caches are purged on the CDN, cloudflare, etc.
Also, you need to test at least a couple of times for the initial cache to be generated. No point testing only once, as the scores fluctuate.-
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
Raul P..
This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by
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