• Hey guys

    Did the 1.6 update this morning. On saving a post/page, I got the following notice outputs:

    Notice: Undefined index: authorship in … /wordpress-seo/inc/class-wpseo-meta.php on line 451
    Notice: Undefined index: authorship in … /wordpress-seo/admin/class-metabox.php on line 694

    Thanks in advance,


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  • It’s definitely not some other plugin’s issue. I wasn’t running any other plugins and the error occurred.

    On a project this large it’s sometimes hard/impossible to see all the issues. And it could relate to how their personal testing machine is setup.

    With that said, I don’t see any tests in the files, maybe they just don’t publish them with the plugin, but if they’re not using them, it might be a good idea to start incorporating them so there aren’t so many unknown side effects.

    Confirmed….I’m having the exact same problem updated wp to 4.0 and updated wp seo to 1.6 and boom the same php errors everyone else is having above….deactivation solves it and yes I’m sure hacking the plugin will solve it…but that will get overwritten on the next update…which may be fine..as the next update, I would imagine will have this fixed? maybe?

    has anyone heard from Yoast on this? I’m sure they are aware…..a lot of people are having this…..

    Update…..if you’ve read Yoast’s sticky post on the top of this support forum he recommends using the latest version of the plugin from Github:


    I did this and I can now save posts without getting the PHP errors…so in fact it’s fixed over on Github and the errors are cleared in the gitgub version of 1.6.

    I don’t know how the version here on the www.remarpro.com site gets updated but it seems that updating this plugin from your backend of WordPress…will get a different set of files that do not include the fix.

    I found this commit in the github repo:


    JTWEBB – your commenting out line 451 is THE fix….Yoast deleted that line of code in the above commit.

    The github download does not have this line in that file which was causing the issue

    /* Adjust the authorship 'default for post type' text string based on the post type */
    					$field_defs['authorship']['options']['-'] = sprintf( $field_defs['authorship']['options']['-'], ( ( isset( $options[ 'noauthorship-' . $post_type ] ) && $options[ 'noauthorship-' . $post_type ] === true ) ? __( 'don\'t show', 'wordpress-seo' ) : __( 'show', 'wordpress-seo' ) ) );

    so commenting out the line 451 by adding two forward slashes in your plugins folder in that file also solves the issue


    //$field_defs['authorship']['options']['-'] = sprintf( $field_defs['authorship']['options']['-'], ( ( isset( $options[ 'noauthorship-' . $post_type ] ) && $options[ 'noauthorship-' . $post_type ] === true ) ? __( 'don\'t show', 'wordpress-seo' ) : __( 'show', 'wordpress-seo' ) ) );

    So we download and install the plugin from Github. Not here?

    Or you just comment out line 451 in this file


    on your current installed plugin.

    @backups – Hey thanks, man! You save a lot of lives today ??

    Confirmed having the same problem on WP 4.0. I’ve commented out line 451 and won’t update the plugin until a fix is confirmed.



    i have the same problem i cant log in to fix this……


    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/burdadi/public_html/wp-config.php:2) in /home/burdadi/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1173

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