• Trying to create new user if not exists from e-commerce plugin checkout page.

    Prior to submitting cart form data to PayPal, an ajax call is made passing cart form data to checkout.php which updates the db_cart, but also checks for existing user, the idea being — to verify existing user, or create new — and log in before submitting the order to PayPal. But for some reason which I cannot begin to fathom, when creating new users, wp adds ALL cart data to the new user_meta no matter what approach I take to creating the user.
    Here is the ajax Post cart data

    (   [cmd] => _cart
        [upload] => 1
        [currency_code] => USD
        [business] => [email protected]
        [address_override] => 1
        [cpp_header_image] => URL
        [cpp__headerback_color] => 4733AB
        [cpp_payflow_color] => 4733AB
        [cancel_return] => URL
        [return] => URL/my-orders?thank_you&cart_id=ADMINbLujO_CART4ea1b8f80a939
        [cbt] => Return to Demo Z
        [item_name] => ADMINbLujO_CART4ea1b8f80a939
        [amount] => 48.87
        [handling_cart] => 4.97
        [email] => [email protected]
        [user_pass] => testpass
        [first_name] => Suzie
        [last_name] => Queue
        [address1] => 2415 Lamar St
        [address2] =>
        [city] => Edgewater
        [state] => CO
        [zip] => 80214
        [country] => US
        [item_number_1] => ADMINbLujO_4e8f31f565a70
        [item_name_1] => Wonder Widget
        [quantity_1] => 1
        [amount_1] => 43.90
        [buyer_first] => Joe
        [buyer_last] => Blow
        [user_cnfm] =>
        [ship_to_self] =>

    and here is the code from **checkout.php**

    foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) $$key = $val;
    {	if($userID = email_exists($email))
    	{	$user_info = $user_info = get_userdata($userID);
    		$user_login = $user_info->user_login;
    		$display_name = $user_info->display_name;
    		$welcome = "Welcome Back $display_name!";
    	{	if(!$user_cnfm) die($welcome);
    		$auth = get_object_vars(wp_authenticate($user_login, $user_pass));
    		if(array_key_exists('errors',$auth)) die("Password Error");
    		wp_set_auth_cookie( $userID, true);
    		wp_set_current_user($userID, $user_login);
    	{	$buyer_name = "$buyer_first $buyer_last";
    		$ship_to_name = "$first_name $last_name";
    		$buyer_region = $buyer_city = $buyer_country = $buyer_ctry_code ="";
    		if($ship_to_name != $buyer_name)
    		{	if(@$_SESSION['visitor'] || set_visitor() == true)
    			{	foreach($_SESSION['visitor'] as $key =>$val)
    				{	$new_key = "buyer_$key";
    					$$new_key = $val;
    		$userdata = array(
    			'user_login' => $email,
    			'user_email'=> $email,
    			'display_name' =>$buyer_name,
    			'region' => $buyer_region,
    			'city' => $buyer_city,
    			'country' => $buyer_country,
    			'ctry_code' => $buyer_ctry_code
    		$foo = print_r($userdata,1);
    		$userID = insert_user($userdata);
    //		$userID = insert_user($userdata);
    //		$userID = wp_create_user( $email, $user_pass, $email );
    //		$userID = regNewUser($userdata);
    		die("New User ID $userID");
    		wp_set_auth_cookie( $userID, true);
    		wp_set_current_user($userID, $email);
    if(is_user_logged_in()) die("User is now Logged In");
    else die("Error");

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