• Hi,

    I have looked around on google and on this forum and all though i have found problems similar none answer my question.

    Which is, after editing my archives.php file (as i have a page link on my menu bar that use my archives.php template) i noticed that clicking on my logo in my header AND clicking my ‘home’ from my menu, takes me to category/archive/

    I have tried the following:

    + Deleting the category ‘archive’ category.
    + Changing in my header.php file my link to my home page (even when i look into the coding from the front end using google chrome – inspect element – it says this link href is correct yet this is not where it takes me)
    + Adding define(‘WP_HOME’,’https://theailedagroup.com/rockthetrend/’); and define(‘WP_SITEURL’,’https://theailedagroup.com/rockthetrend/’); – it still takes me to /category/archive/

    Everything was working fine before i started working on my Archives page. I tried undoing everything i did, put i’m still having the problem.

    Please help!!

    Thanks x

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  • Hi Chloe,

    I’m having the same problem you experienced 6 months ago when you posted in this forum. Did you manage to solve the problem?

    When I click on the banner or “Home” link or type in my URL I am taken to https://werkenvanuithetbuitenland.nl/links instead of the /../

    What I have tried? I have:

    – updated to the newest WordPress version
    – tried another theme
    – removed the “Links” page

    but to no avail. I really hope you can help…

    Greetings from Spain,





    You’ve probably sorted by now, but just in case someone else needs this. I had the same issue and never figured out the root cause of the issue but I simply changed the url in “home” on the menu (3.0+) to the full url. It works now, but I didn’t really fix the problem, just a workaround.


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