• dba2003wp



    WP automatically redirects my home page to https://homepage.com …and drops the “www”. Since this has SEO implications I have been trying to find out what is causing is and how to correct it so that it does not continue to redirect.

    Wit the assistance of my host we have determined it’s not caused by the .htaccess file NOR the apache configuration.

    We have found this, pls see below and I would be very grateful for advise how to correct these settings:

    WordPress has an internal redirect based on the home and siteurl settings in the wp_options table of your database. (from my host)
    mysql> select * from wp_options where option_name IN (‘siteurl’, ‘home’);
    | option_id | blog_id | option_name | option_value | autoload |
    | 39 | 0 | home | https://autoinsurancequotesusa.org | yes |
    | 1 | 0 | siteurl | https://autoinsurancequotesusa.org | yes |

    Thanks in advance!



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  • Clayton James


    WP automatically redirects my home page to…
    …and drops the “www”.

    That is odd. My settings in Dashboard > General > WordPress address (URL) and Blog address (URL) …are both //www.mysitename.com, and those same entries in my database reflect that exactly. Complete with the “www” prefix. When I type “www.mysitename.com” into the address bar in my browser, that is exactly how it is returned, as well as every link I click on while I’m there. As you have indicated, When I type “www.autoinsurancequotesusa.org” in my browser, it does indeed return “autoinsurancequotesusa.org”. Without the “www”.

    I don’t mean to sound naive, or overstate the obvious, but your General settings include the “www” prefix, do they not? And is it possible that something in the all-in-one-seo-pack plugin (assuming you have activated it at some point) might be involved? I don’t really know what those seo plugin options are like, so I’m just thinking out loud I guess.

    Please post back if you find a satisfactory solution. I would really like to know the answer as well.

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