So the HTML spec says that paragraph elements can’t contain block level elements. Since div
and p
are both block level, your browser will correct the markup itself and close the p
right before the div
I’m releasing a workaround in version 2.7.2 that forces Insert Pages to wrap inserted content in span tags and not run the wpautop
filter on that content. This should allow inserted content to appear inline if that’s the way it looks in the WordPress editor.
The workaround is available as an option in the shortcode itself; use it like so:
Stuff around the inserted content [insert page='my-page' display='content' inline] other stuff.
Alternatively, you can use the insert_pages_use_inline_wrapper
filter to set it globally in your theme if you don’t want to use the inline
option in every insert page shortcode.
Version 2.7.2 is now out.