• We’ve got a three column layout. It’s unusual in that TWO columns, left and middle, are basic content. Left is more or less unchanging with headers followed by a sentence or two and a read-more that links to a new page and a blog thread.

    1st Q: I want the headers in this left column to be one of three colors. (Red for one side of the game; green for the other; and orange for neutral. How to do this? There is a pdf of the layout posted here:

    2nd Q: The middle column is the basic blog. Rolls down as new posts are added at the top. EXCEPT that we’ve got a few text items in boxes that should stay put for a while. I’ll use a horizontal line to represent the vertical line of the blog, and the letter “m” to stand for the box, with the top on the left:

    >———-M—————–M-M————->etc. This is clear in the pdf file. We don’t know how to do this. The boxes and the text inside them should remain stationary for a while.

    Oh yeah–I also want to have the same variable color headings in the middle, blog, column.

    That’s it.

    Many thanks.

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  • there isnt anything that you cannot do that youve mentioned. however, explaining it is another thing, as 1) pictures arent very helpful when you want an answer that involves “code” and 2) you dont know how to manage colors using stylesheets(??):

    I want the headers in this left column to be one of three colors. (Red for one side of the game; green for the other; and orange for neutral. How to do this?

    I suggest you locate someone thats shown competency with most, if not all aspects of WordPress AND stylesheets, and either get some hands on coaching or paid assistance.

    In the meantime, here is a basic primer on stylesheets:


    and btw, theres nothing unusual about that layout.

    This is what I told Walter in an email a short while ago ??

    Regarding your first question. What you need is to assign a class to the header, depending on the criteria you assign. You say red, green and orange, I’m not sure what you mean by “side of the game”.

    If you are going to use a wordpress loop to generate the post that appear in the left column, then probably the best way to go in wordpress would be to assign them to a particular category. Run a routine to find if the post is within one of the three categories, and if it is, assign the actual class based on that category. So if your wp loop is set to generate the post’s title in a <h2>, you would assign <h2 class=”red”> if the post is in the “red” category, etc. Then using CSS, you would assign the background colour of h2.red to being red, h2.green to green, etc.

    Regarding the second question, I’m not sure how you can best achieve this, sorry.

    and thats precisely why I directed “Walter” to a basic primer in CSS.

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