@pressthewords: The problem isn’t, per say, in the browscap library, but in the way WP Statistics uses it.
What’s happening is that we prune out any browser that isn’t a crawler as well as all the extra information that normally is associated with the browscap file. This takes the normally 34meg browscap.ini file down to just ~300k.
However, in doing so we drop out any browser that isn’t a crawler. The brwoscap file support “parent” browsers, so multiple patterns effectively match a single browser. This is were the problem came up as if the child browser is a crawler but the parent browser isn’t, then the child points to a parent that doesn’t exist.
This hadn’t come up before the latest release of the browscap.ini file, and in fact there is still only one occurrence of it, but in that case it threw the fatal error.
The update will rebuild the browscap file and if a child is a crawler but the parent isn’t, it will be dropped from the file as well.
This will reduce the detection of some crawlers, but the only other way to fix the issue would be to include all parents and children (if you don’t include them all you could get some false positives), which would balloon the file size up closer to the 30meg again.