• Seems my unsuccessful transfer queue keeps filling up, as I get the error message to check it out every time I log into my dashboard.

    The files in the queue are all files that have previously been uploaded to the CDN (Cloudfront). I tested the connection in the CDN settings in the plugin and got a success message, so there is a connection. Despite this, the description for all of the errors is the same:

    Unable to put object (S3::putObject(): [7] couldn’t connect to host).

    Any idea what might be causing this? I’m assuming that since the connection tested fine, there shouldn’t be an issue. The only change I recently made to AWS was in my S3 bucket for the CDN distribution. This was in response to AWS message that buckets could have an issue if you left list access open for “Everyone”. So, I removed this permission. Is this what is causing the problem?


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  • I don’t know what it is, but I’m experiencing the same issue.

    Plugin Contributor Frederick Townes


    When you click the test button does the test pass?

    Yes, it does.

    Plugin Contributor Frederick Townes


    What are the results of the self test?

    Issue Regarding unsuccessful transfer queue—>>

    If any page in wordpress gets deleted and it also gets deleted from Trash…Then how can we recover this page…..A page of mine named FAQ gets deleted and also from Trash….Can anyone tell me how to recover that page……Please tell me the solutionas soon as possible

    Plugin Contributor Frederick Townes


    @er.chitreshsharma, you really should open a new topic for that request, but you would need to restore a backup for your web site or have a professional use the backup to recover that content for you.

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  • The topic ‘Unsuccessful Transfer Queue Issues’ is closed to new replies.