• As an Unsubscribe-Link is not automatically included in the E-Mail-Template of the Follow-Plugin, but recommendable in order not to annoy subscribers, you can do the following: simply add a Link to the subscription page you created for the plugin (as requested by the plugin*) into the E-Mail-Template (WordPress Admin Dashboard > Follow Plugin > Settings > Email Templates > New Post email)!

    In our case, we named the subscription page for the plugin “subscribe” (as proposed by the plugin). Thus, the URL of our subscription page is: https://www.diedenker.org/subscribe/

    There you find the “subscribe” and “unsubscribe” option of the plugin. So we simply included the URL https://www.diedenker.org/subscribe/ in our Follow-Plugin-Temmplate (and additionally a short text indicating users that they can unsubscribe using this link).

    Good luck!

    * After activating the plugin, you’re instructed to create a WordPress page, called for example “subscribe”, and include the parameter [subscribe2] there in the text field. In the plugin’s “settings” then you have to select the created page (via the drop down in the setting’s top section under “Appearance”).


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