• Is it possible to unset the super widget? I’d like to be able to use the shop as a catalog, and I just need to remove the super widget that is managing the buy process, without it I have a cool catalog.

    Is it possible to do? I tried unsetting it, but I’m getting a notice in it’s place.


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  • Thread Starter Denis ?oljom



    Plugin Author Elise Alley


    Hi dingo_bastard,

    There is a filter in Exchange that you can use to disable the Buy Now button. The filter is it_exchange_disable_buy_now. It returns false by default. You may add the following single line of code to your functions.php file to disable it everywhere:

    add_filter( 'it_exchange_disable_buy_now', '__return_true' );

    To remove per product, you’ll have to create a custom callback function and add your filter with 2 parameters. The second parameter will be the product object:

    function yourcallback( $is_disabled, $product ) { ... } add_filter( 'it_exchange_disable_buy_now', 'yourcallback', 10, 2 );

    Let us know if you have any additional questions.



    Thread Starter Denis ?oljom


    Hi! Thank you for answering ??

    I created a function, and just set the superwidget to null. That way it’s set, but it’s not showing, so you cannot buy anything, and that’s exactly what I need (catalog) ??

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