• Resolved Luis Leal


    Currencies cannot change in cart nor in checkout pages due to a restriction you have put in order to force end users to buy your premium product.

    I have checked also that there is an error once one pushes one of the several “Unlock this feature” buttons across the plugin’ settings.

    The budget of this project has already been allocated and I’m not able to ask for more, by the time the project was planned it wasn’t required to buy your “premium” version in order to display the currency switcher.

    What should we do?

    The error code triggered in the back end is the following:

    JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 load-scripts.php:9:542
    Tab: Activated tab cannot be found. Tabs are case-sensitive. 
    Object { 0: div.item, context: div.item, length: 1, selector: "" }
    Object { 0: body.wp-admin.wp-core-ui.js.toplevel_page_woo-multi-currency.auto-fold.admin-bar.branch-5.version-5-0-3.admin-color-fresh.locale-es-es.customize-support.svg, selector: "body", length: 1, prevObject: {…}, context: HTMLDocument https://foo.bar/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-multi-currency&_villatheme_nonce=89cf9dc8a3#checkout }
     https: tab.js:748:8
    Tab: Activated tab cannot be found. Tabs are case-sensitive. 
    Object { 0: div.vi-ui.attached.tabular.menu, context: div.vi-ui.attached.tabular.menu, length: 1, selector: "" }
    Object { 0: body.wp-admin.wp-core-ui.js.toplevel_page_woo-multi-currency.auto-fold.admin-bar.branch-5.version-5-0-3.admin-color-fresh.locale-es-es.customize-support.svg, selector: "body", length: 1, prevObject: {…}, context: HTMLDocument https://foo.bar/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-multi-currency&_villatheme_nonce=89cf9dc8a3#checkout }
     https: tab.js:748:8
    Tab: Activated tab cannot be found. Tabs are case-sensitive. 
    0: <div class="item" data-tab="general">
    context: div.item
    accessKey: ""
    accessKeyLabel: ""
    align: ""
    assignedSlot: null
    attributes: NamedNodeMap [ class="item", data-tab="general" ]
    baseURI: "https://foo.bar/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-multi-currency&_villatheme_nonce=89cf9dc8a3#https://goo.gl/2hWzFT"
    childElementCount: 1
    childNodes: NodeList(3) [ #text, a, #text ]
    children: HTMLCollection [ a ]
    classList: DOMTokenList [ "item" ]
    className: "item"
    clientHeight: 51
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    clientWidth: 103
    contentEditable: "inherit"
    contextMenu: null
    dataset: DOMStringMap { tab → "general" }
    dir: ""
    draggable: false
    firstChild: #text "
    firstElementChild: <a href="#general">
    hidden: false
    id: ""
    innerHTML: "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"#general\">General</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t"
    innerText: "General"
    isConnected: true
    isContentEditable: false
    jQuery1124011990077025153723: 12
    lang: ""
    lastChild: #text "
    lastElementChild: <a href="#general">
    localName: "div"
    namespaceURI: "https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
    nextElementSibling: <div class="item" data-tab="location">
    nextSibling: #text "
    nodeName: "DIV"
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    outerHTML: "<div class=\"item\" data-tab=\"general\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"#general\">General</a>\n\t\t\t\t\t</div>"
    ownerDocument: HTMLDocument https://foo.bar/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-multi-currency&_villatheme_nonce=89cf9dc8a3#https://goo.gl/2hWzFT
    parentElement: <div class="vi-ui attached tabular menu">
    parentNode: <div class="vi-ui attached tabular menu">
    prefix: null
    previousElementSibling: null
    previousSibling: #text "
    scrollHeight: 51
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    slot: ""
    spellcheck: false
    style: CSS2Properties(0)
    tabIndex: -1
    tagName: "DIV"
    textContent: "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tGeneral\n\t\t\t\t\t"
    title: ""
    <prototype>: HTMLDivElementPrototype { align: Getter & Setter, … }
    length: 1
    selector: ""
    <prototype>: Object { jquery: "1.12.4", constructor: n(), length: 0, … }
    0: <body class="wp-admin wp-core-ui js  …s customize-support svg">
    context: HTMLDocument https://foo.bar/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-multi-currency&_villatheme_nonce=89cf9dc8a3#https://goo.gl/2hWzFT
    length: 1
    prevObject: Object { 0: HTMLDocument https://foo.bar/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-multi-currency&_villatheme_nonce=89cf9dc8a3#https://goo.gl/2hWzFT, context: HTMLDocument https://foo.bar/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-multi-currency&_villatheme_nonce=89cf9dc8a3#https://goo.gl/2hWzFT, length: 1, … }
    selector: "body"
    <prototype>: Object { jquery: "1.12.4", constructor: n(), length: 0, … }
     https: tab.js:404:9
    Tab: Activated tab cannot be found. Tabs are case-sensitive. 
    0: <div class="vi-ui attached tabular menu">
    context: <div class="vi-ui attached tabular menu">
    length: 1
    selector: ""
    <prototype>: Object { jquery: "1.12.4", constructor: n(), length: 0, … }
    0: <body class="wp-admin wp-core-ui js  …s customize-support svg">
    context: HTMLDocument https://foo.bar/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-multi-currency&_villatheme_nonce=89cf9dc8a3#https://goo.gl/2hWzFT
    length: 1
    prevObject: Object { 0: HTMLDocument https://foo.bar/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-multi-currency&_villatheme_nonce=89cf9dc8a3#https://goo.gl/2hWzFT, context: HTMLDocument https://foo.bar/wp-admin/admin.php?page=woo-multi-currency&_villatheme_nonce=89cf9dc8a3#https://goo.gl/2hWzFT, length: 1, … }
    selector: "body"
    <prototype>: Object { jquery: "1.12.4", constructor: n(), length: 0, … }
     https: tab.js:404:9
        changeTab https://foo.bar/wp-content/plugins/woo-multi-currency/js/tab.js?ver=5.0.3:404 each jQuery changeTab https://foo.bar/wp-content/plugins/woo-multi-currency/js/tab.js?ver=5.0.3:321 change https://foo.bar/wp-content/plugins/woo-multi-currency/js/tab.js?ver=5.0.3:235 dispatch14jQuery
    onmozfullscreenchange is deprecated. admin.php
    onmozfullscreenerror is deprecated. admin.php
    Ignoring get or set of property that has [LenientThis] because the “this” object is incorrect. admin.php 

    It is very urgent to find a solution for this.

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Luis Leal.
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