• Resolved Anonymous User


    Recently had trouble with a 500 internal server error that started out of nowhere. After debugging everything, checking the plugin that was causing the error, looking at PHP, DNS, .htaccess, Apache, MySQL, talking to hosting provider, you name it, we checked it. The error basically caused the application to come to a complete and utter stop. Fun times!

    There’s ya problem:
    Turns out the wp-config file was corrupted. After fixing the wp-config.php turn off and turn on plugins. If this was the problem then it should work again. YMMV, and if not good luck on your journey. One less problem to look at. Wish you all the best grashopper.

    Cause of file corruption:

    Just posting this because it took ages to resolve, and in case some poor sob(ette) has the same error, and is probably pulling his/ her hair out trying to figure out where it is coming from, after spending many many many hours reading. This one is for you. May the search engine gods guide you to this post, so you can actually enjoy the sunset in peace, with the application working.

    Maybe keep (this) thread open as ‘The Great 500 Error Black Hole Thread’. So 500 errors and the future, eh? There something else, those 500s’. Anyway to, I don’t know, maybe, you know, give us simple folks, an error we can understand, maybe somebody in their infinite wisdom, could I don’t know, gives us some kind of hint, of what the actual is going wrong, besides ‘500 SOL (Sorry Out Lunching)’. Just sayin’

    Thanks to all those who contributed.

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