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  • Under ‘property settings’ turn on the settings.

    Go to the plugin, turn on ‘advanced settings’.
    Scroll down to ‘Host ga.js locally:’ + turn it on.

    A new field appears, enter this:


    Now go back to GA to the report section, go to ‘Audience’ > ‘Demographics’ > ‘Overview’. Now ‘skip validation’.

    Data should be available in 24h.

    Hi guys I think yoast is testing his universal analytics on his website. this is the proof. I got this code from YOAST.COM page source. Just right click and you can see the source code. Cheers guys.

    `<script type=”text/javascript”>//<![CDATA[
    // Google Analytics for WordPress by Yoast v5 beta – |
    (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) {
    i[‘GoogleAnalyticsObject’] = r;
    i[r] = i[r] || function () {
    (i[r].q = i[r].q || []).push(arguments)
    }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date();
    a = s.createElement(o),
    m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];
    a.async = 1;
    a.src = g;
    m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m)
    })(window, document, ‘script’, ‘//’, ‘ga’);

    ga( ‘create’, ‘UA-317889-17’ );
    ga( ‘send’, ‘pageview’ );

    also eagerly anticipating this +1

    I asked him through his contact form. His answer was they don’t offer support for free plugins. I asked a simple yes or no question, not a support question.

    “Does the plugin support Universal analytics?”

    If this is the kind of bull answer you get when asking a simple yes or no question, again, NOT a support question then I have no interest in it.

    +1 Please

    Hopefully considering the widespread use of his product, this will be a natural progression for it to cater for Universal.

    My only concern lately is that most of the new stuff coming from YOAST HQ seems to be paid for, and since their revenue model takes hold I wonder if this has resulted in less features for the free stuff.

    Of course they need to make money, but hopefully not for something like this. I personally buy some Premium stuff from Yoast and am happy with that – but have found their developer pricing structure way too high and so have opted for alternative solutions in some areas where I want client wide things.

    That’s great news. And the explanation makes a lot of sense to me.

    It does not excuse his indignation of the support forums and his utter lack of reassurance that such support is even coming at all.

    Just transferred to Universal Analytics today as it comes out of beta…will see what happens with this plugin in a day or two!

    Anyone know how/where to insert the following in this plugin?

    In GA, under Demographics – I see the following note -:

    Your Demographics and Interest Reports have been enabled, but your Analytics tracking code does not include the necessary support to show them. Learn more about the simple, one-line, one-time change to your tracking code to add this support.

    This script they are referring to is -:

    (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
    ga(‘create’, ‘UA-XXXXXX-XX’, ‘’);
    ga(‘require’, ‘displayfeatures’); <== New line of code
    ga(‘send’, ‘pageview’);

    Does anyone know where to add this new line of code?

    ga(‘require’, ‘displayfeatures’);


    @shamrokoz – you cannot insert it in Yoast’s Analytics plugin, hence all of this on the thread wondering about an update.

    @mickey Kay — the Yoast comment you posted (thanks) — — is dated, so I checked a couple of other places for us:

    1) NO REPORT on plans for this at the official WP repository (no roadmap):

    2) NO ROADMAP/COMMENTS at his official site for the plugin:

    Why? I get it that it is expensive and impossible to answer every support request for free — but why no publishing of an approximate roadmap date for this very key functionality? Why do we have to hunt for an obscure website to get any word from Yoast? Sure, handling free support is not a great option (been there, done that), but on the other hand, Yoast owes most of his success to the free venue AND forum here at, right?

    Like others, I have my eye on the competition — if the competing plugins are good, they should easily and efficiently be able to outdo the Yoast team on good communication practices. Still waiting for Yoast to update us here so we don’t all have to take to Social Media with the lamentations… ie. #YoastCommunicationFail

    +1 overall – Just had to go with the old-fashioned method for now (GA’s UA code in my header file).

    Note to anyone that needs cross domain tracking (same GA profile for multiple domains/subdomains), you’ll need to adjust your code snippet a bit implementing this manually.

    P.S. – Hello Mr. Frangos.

    Brody @

    Hail Mr. Dorland –

    Any downside you can think of? Right now, the lack of a basic response from the YOast team, when they got where they are by using the free open source plugin marketplace afforded by the WordPress team, is very frustrating. I may just do it as you are doing it.

    Cheers –

    would like Universal support too.

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