Unique approach – unlike many other Series plugins
If you already have a large collection of posts in series, this plugin’s unique database organization may let you more easily generate the series relationships programmatically, due to its storage of post relations in the postmeta table.
Many other Series plugins use the standard WordPress Taxonomy API, which strews the series data across several tables, and seems a bit hard to comprehend (from a reverse engineering perspective). Some people say this API performs poorly (eg. for the Organize Series plugin), so I’m curious how Multi Part Posts performs in comparison ??
One great feature of this plugin (again, unlike most other Series plugins) is that it orders the posts in the series by the order they are added to the series, rather than by date. So (again) if you have a huge mixed-date set of posts – perhaps from a massive import – this plugin gives you a chance of organizing the series as you wish – nice!
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