• Michele


    Developers, & who it may concern!
    I can’t get into my website to update or add or anything, because I keep getting an annoying error(
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/84/11909884/html/wp-content/plugins/easy-media-gallery/easy-media-gallery.php:2) in /home/content/84/11909884/html/wp-login.php on line 427) message due to your application “easy-media-gallery!!!!!!!!!” I tried to uninstall your application and now I can’t work on my website here it is 3:07 am and instead of working, I am writing about uninstall and application that should be as easy as 1, 2, 3; I don’t want your application on my site thank you very much! I don’t want it, I will never use it, and will never recommend it! Make easier to uninstall I know you want to make a sale we all do, but I don’t pride my foot in a door, I knock and if the lady of the house wants my tools I sell great, but if she doesn’t I don’t stay there until she gives up. I’m so angry that my time is wasted on the task of writing you about uninstalling a media application that is useless to me I can scream.

    my site is https://www.michelejolie.me

    Really, how can I trust an application I can’t even uninstall??? Very simply to do right???
    Thank you, and have a nice day!
    Michele Jolie


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