Too many issues to be worth anyone’s time.
The good: Great design options for creating newsletters. They show up great on a laptop.
The bad:
Emails do not show up correctly (as designed) for mobile.
The ugly:
Mailpoet does not sync newsletter subscriber database with wordpress users. If a user subscribes but does not set up an account, the user then gets an error message that they are already in the system when they try to set up an account.
You can completely clean out the wordpress users and database wp_users and the error still pops up.
Why, you may ask?
Because Mailpoet stores it’s own subscriber list in the database. And even if someone unsubscribes, they are not removed from the mailpoet’s database table. Presumably because mailpoet is harvesting lists in the background. Either way, this is a major violation of our privacy policy and most other ethical businesses.
Here’s the real kicker. When you delete users in the mailpoet subscriber list in the database, mail poet throws a fit and acts like you just installed the plugin, deletes all the setup emails, and makes you start over. This should not happen if it’s a simple list. This tells me the subscriber list is being harvested and is mirrored somewhere else in the plugin.
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