• Hi,
    I paid for a wordpress website, included in the cost was instructions on how to update and modify (instructions which I am yet to recieve). . the website is also NOT what I wanted and the form especially for the personalised books are very clunky and not great.
    I want to learn myself how to modify OR start the website again, can anyone help with the best place to start? Is there a good wordpress book I can get or a series of tutorials that are for a very beginner?

    I downloaded webmatrix thinking I could play around with it in there but I cant even add a theme in there! lol I am worried about playing around in the backend of the live site as I dont want to mess the website up (even though I really don’t like it, ha)

    I would really appreciate all help as we have a few new books to add to the site and I have no clue how to do it!

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  • Also, one tip if you are using WAMP and you also use Skype. When you turn on your PC make sure you run WAMP fisrt, THEN run Skype. If you don’t then Skype hogs the port that WAMP runs on and won’t activate.

    Took me a while to figure that one out!

    @sydney harrel… your ramblings are so mundane… the person seeking assistance has a PC or Laptop with Windows 7 running on it…

    You may have simply told the person seeking assistance to wipe out their hard drive and TRY to place some opensource flavor of Linux on it when, they are simply trying to get WordPress to run on their existing equipment… not an argument as vague and ridiculous regarding who “you think” has the best OS…

    Getting WordPress to run on a Windows 7 box is as simple as installing IIS 7.5 on your PC, do a web search for Microsoft WEB PI (Web Application Platform Installer) and automatically install WordPress for you… It is very simple and will create the MySQL database for you (if you are unfamiliar with MySQL) along with PHP all designed for your PC…

    From there, accessing WordPress is as simple as typing in https://loclahost/ and presto, your are at your WordPress installation..

    I prefer the first method I outlined because, when you use ZEND CE, it will give you the options of installing MyPHPAdmin at the same time which, you will find that when you come to these boards looking for answers, most that will answer database questions will tell you to open you MyPHPAdmin because they are so into this open source non-sense, that they cannot or do not know how to manipulate MySQL from either the command line, or via MySQL Workbench… the end and good luck

    P.S. Regarding WAMP, running WAMP on a Windows box, will do nothing more than consume much more memory than simply install IIS 7.5

    Sorry, I thought she was trying to set up a mirror of her server to act as a staging area for playing with changes before moving them up to the live site. If the server is running IIS, then by all means use IIS. But more than likely the server is running Apache, then the staging area should run Apache. Making changes to a live site is nerve wracking enough without having to worry about a change of platform. Best tool for the job, and all that.
    BTW, you misspelled localhost. And there is no need for personal attacks. You’re a fan of IIS, great, defend that position with facts and leave aside the characterizations.
    PS. live http headers says…
    Server: Apache
    X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.14
    And you can probably find someone through here (https://www.linux.org.au/usergroups) that will sit down with you and help you with making a dual boot setup, which involves shrinking your windows partition, not formating it, so windows 7 would still be available to you.

    you indicate: Getting WordPress to run on a Windows 7 box is as simple as installing IIS 7.5 on your PC, do a web search for Microsoft WEB PI (Web Application Platform Installer) and automatically install WordPress for you… It is very simple and will create the MySQL database for you (if you are unfamiliar with MySQL) along with PHP all designed for your PC…

    From there, accessing WordPress is as simple as typing in https://loclahost/ and presto, your are at your WordPress installation..

    I disagree. I have W7 and webmatrix from windows but yet still not as simple as everyone says. was getting errors re: localhost password “yes” and now wp-php-config issues. Everyone seems to have their own idea of the best way to do this; maybe this is because they are into programming and coding but for the simpleminded individual that simply wants to use WP your (& WP’s & windows’) simple steps are not so simple. I expected that once I downloaded Webmatrix and followed their step-by-step instructions it would be seamless….appears to me it’s “seemless”.

    The problem is not Windows 7, IIS 7.x. Web Matrix, etc.. it is your overall lack of knowledge regarding both Windows 7. IIS, and WordPress…

    If you’re Windows installation is broken go to the Microsoft forums as, you are the ONLY person I know that had issues with this install process… Microsoft employees thousands of top-end developers that are degreed individuals that are there to provide product development, security monitoring, and support whereas, any opensourse OS you use, you are on your own and must collaborate with a series of programmers and hacks…

    Your issues are simple security issues… you need to read up just a little on the use of IIS and Windows 7… you will find a plethora of web resources out there from bona fide professionals…

    If you cannot accomplish this, believe this, you would be unable to use any advanced methods or unix/linux style installations…

    To resolve your issue, simply allow anonymous access to your seb site you created via IIS Management console otherwise, your site is IN FACT working 100% once again simply because you failed to follow the instructions presented to you during the web matrix install…

    Be careful however, if you are not using a firewall, and allow anonymous access to IIS then you are allowing the world access as well… It is the way WordPress works…

    IF you want to access your installation with a user name and password, I would suggest simply using the same information you use to log on to your Windows 7 box… Have a nice day ?

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