Hi @roadrunner3 !
I took a look at the site, and I see that the site is using Twenty Twenty-Four but the default padding on Group Blocks for the theme is not set this aggressively.
On your site the value is set at 50px above and below each Group Block. This is set in the theme.json file. However, you can, for each individual Group Block, go to the Dimensions/Padding settings and enter custom values or set to ‘0’.
This shouldn’t be the case, so it could be likely that a plugin on the site might be affecting this, and you can check on that, as a first step–by deactivating plugins one at a time on the site to test this.
The option that would work best for you would be to use custom CSS to force the Group Block’s padding.
.wp-block-group {
padding-top: 0 !important;
padding-bottom: 0 !important;
There is detailed instruction about how to add custom CSS, here:
The other alternative is to create a child theme with a new theme.json file to edit the preset padding settings, but this is a little bit excessive, unless you had other changes, which you’ve expressed you don’t.
Hope this helps!