• First of all, I’m a complete newbie to all this. I put together a nice site with a nice theme which looked all pretty, I published all the pages, then I attempted to make it go ‘live’ by following the directions here:


    and completely stuffed it up! When I typed in my web address I had a horrendous looking site that was all over the place with no theme that I couldn’t even log into (error 404 when I tried) to try and undo whatever I did! When I tried accessing https://www.mysite/wordpress, I got the error 404 message.

    Going back over the instructions – this is going to sound really thick but it seems I skipped step 1, thinking that step 2 was the explanation to step 1! I have no idea how I was meant to ‘create the new location for the core wordpress files to be stored’ anyway I did steps 2 (changed the URL’s) through 5 and didn’t do step 6 (I guess because I hadn’t done step 1!! again I thought step 7 explained how to do step 6 (how embarrassing….).

    Anyway then I did steps 7 to 9 and of course come step 10 (login to the new location) I came to a brick wall – the error 404 site not found. I can’t log in to my wordpress admin at all. I went back into my Hostgator cPanel and deleted the files that I had copied over (step 7) thinking this will hopefully undo things (I had copied the index.php and .htaccess files from public_html/wordpress to public_html (pls dont even ask why, I thought I was following directions!)).

    I’ve just noticed that after deleting these 2 files, my WordPress home page is now visible again – before that, it wasn’t, error 404 came up. Now however, I can’t access my actual website (Hostgator message comes up, as before), but CAN access the wordpress page, which is a bit of good news for me, it looks nice again! However all the sub pages cannot be accessed (error 404) and I still cannot log in to my wordpress admin (error 404 when I try).

    this is my site:


    Basically I know I’ve done a load of rubbish and I don’t know whether I should go backwards and undo everything (if possible) but land up back at square one without a visible site, or forwards and try to complete what I set out to do (i.e. make my site go live)?

    I’ve trawled through the forums/ documents and thought perhaps I should try to change the URL’s back to what they initially were (…/wordpress?) as that seems to have been where the mess started, and I’ve come across instructions:


    and thought to try to edit the wp-config.php, but the fact that it said I wouldn’t be able to edit the URL’s through my general settings anymore made me stop short.

    I most likely have it all wrong! I’ve decided that since I’ve already dug myself into a grave, its probably best to stop digging and ask you geniuses for help!


    any advice much appreciated!! I don’t mind having to start from scratch if I have to, to pay for my sins (would prefer not to though!!!) – I just want to undo what I’ve done – if at all possible … or even better, finish what I set out to do (i.e. make the site go live)

    Thanks in advance.

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  • firstly: check that all the wordpress files are still in htmlpublic_html/wordpress folder and that you have (copied) NOT (moved) the index.php and .htaccess files from public_html/wordpress to public_html

    Thread Starter chezza007


    Yes they are still there – that much I did correctly – I copied them and didn’t move them.

    To use wordpress from directory you need copy index.php file in public_html and change line 17 and add your wordpress folder.

    I see that there another index file in root delete that file as it is place holder from hostgator

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