• I accidently imported demo content twice for a theme I bought, and now there is two of everything….two abouts, two features, two homes. How do I get rid of it all?
    *also, when I go into pages in the admin, there is only one of everything. its weird

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  • Probably quickest to just wipe everything in the DB and start again/reimport just the once…

    Thread Starter naidevcodes


    Erase all of the tables in db? Will that not mess with the site as a whole?

    First, do a database backup

    If this is a new site with no other content, then emptying all the tables (do not delete the tables) would be easiest and then you would start WP again and you would go thru the installation script again.

    If it already has some of your data, then it is messier. you might be able to get into the SQL you imported and change things into ‘delete’ instead of the ‘insert’ but you would have to create a where clause to target each row all which will take a bit of time.

    so it will probably be easiest to just go into the backend and delete the pages and posts etc…AFTER you do the database backup.

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