Understanding Multi Site
Hi, I am very new to WordPress and loving it so far. I have now converted 2 sites to WordPress for two of my customers. I am now intersted in creating a specialized site for my self. I am not sure how to go about this if Multisite is the right way or not. Here is a brief description of what it is I am looking to do if you could help me in my choice.
I ma looking to have a site that will be broken up into 2 sections.
1: A parent site that will be run by my self, in which I will be the only person to have access to any admin features.2: A section that will act alone. This area will have my self as the administrator to be able to control updates, maintain plugins, and basic maintenance. It will then have others that are able to create there own sections and have basic admini panel. These users can control the site some what. Add events, content, pictures, gallery. IE being given editor user level access.
I was going to do one site IE https://www.mysite.com where I controlled everything. And then produce full installations via subdomains IE site2.mysite.com. In each of those sites I would be the administrator and I would create a user role that would have access to the admin panel and would be able to do things like add pages, delete pages, add events, add images to the gallery to effect images threw out the site there individual site.
Each of this sites to everyone will be individual. They must not share they same user database for access, newsletter lists, email lists and such. IE each site cant know the other site is there. Should I continue with the idea of placing each into its own subdomain and control from there or is this something multisites can do?Also is there a way to at the end of the day grab all those user emails to create a larger database for use from the parent site, to create a mailing list of sorts?
Thank you for your time and replies. I have searched the internet and can not seem to find this information.
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