• Short version
    After the initial install I needed to make a symbolic link to get my site working:

    ln -s /usr/share/wordpress /var/www/www.mysite.com/wordpress
    {i.e. ln -s <wordpress installation directory> <document root> }

    Before making the above link, I was seeing these errors in the apache log when I tried to access the site:

    File does not exist: /var/www/wp-content, referer: https://www.mysite.com/wordpress/

    The virtual host is set up like this:

    <VirtualHost *:80>
            Servername www.mysite.com
            ServerAlias mysite.com
            DocumentRoot /var/www/www.mysite.com

    After the initial install, /var/www had these two links in it:

    www.mysite.com => /usr/share/wordpress
    wordpress => /usr/share/wordpress

    So after the creation of the link, the wordpress installation directory now has a link in it pointing back to itself:

    /usr/share/wordpress/wordpress => /usr/share/wordpress

    Making the link fixed the problem, but it feels a bit hacky, and I’d like to understand what it is about my installation that caused me to have to create it. Any insights would be appreciated.

    This was on ubuntu 10.10

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