• Resolved Chris


    Hi there,
    I try to get rid of all the underlines on the bottom of each link in the pages and blog/ archive.
    Not only in the body of the page/ text but also in the “Posted in uncategorized on 10/20/2008 04:42 pm by admin” – line.

    My website.

    Here is the css of my site.

    /* Layout */
    body {
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    /* Default */
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    margin: 0 0 .8em .8em;

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    .alignright {
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    a img {
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #ccc;

    form {
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    /* Layout */
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    /* WordPress required */
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    a#cancel-comment-reply-link {
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Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Anonymous User


    The css property for links you are looking for is called:
    text-decoration: none

    Try a search in a search engine, and you should be able to find more.

    Thread Starter Chris


    yea I know that’s what I already did but I can’t find where to add it in the css or is it something in a php file?

    Anonymous User


    Just look for all things in your css file that start with ‘a’

    So for example:

    Please see a css tutorial for a complete list of css link declarations.

    You will have to do that for the different div’s, if needed.

    In the future please only post the relevant code. People generally do not look through a page of code. It could be in the php file, but it usually isn’t anymore. If you find all the ‘a’ tags in your css code, you should be able to figure it out. If not feel please feel free to get back if you are getting stuck.

    Also make sure your css validates, to make sure that is not causing problems. One place to validate your css code is at the W3C website:

    Thread Starter Chris


    thank you! the a: tip was the solution! I was anly searching for the text-decoration tag.

    Anonymous User


    Graag gedaan. ??

    (English translation: You’re welcome)

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
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