I’m unable to reproduce this, running WordPress 5.8.1, Akismet 4.1.12, and PHP 8, and looking at the code, I wouldn’t expect to:
$intro = sprintf( _n(
'<a href="%1$s">Akismet</a> has protected your site from %2$s spam comment already. ',
'<a href="%1$s">Akismet</a> has protected your site from %2$s spam comments already. ',
, 'akismet'), 'https://akismet.com/wordpress/', number_format_i18n( $count ) );
should only need a total of three arguments: the format string and two values, since there are two placeholders (%1$s and %2$s).
Is it possible that another plugin you’re running is interfering and modifying the format string via a filter? Or have you manually changed the strings being supplied to _n()