• Hi,
    I’m using “Editorial Assistant by Zemanta” wordpress plugin but I’m facing a problem since yesterday. I’m not able to use media gallery from the widget box (content recommendation), it says “register to use Gallery” and I’ve already registered.
    Screenshot of the widget box: https://snag.gy/6j6lH.jpg

    and when I click on “sign in” button, all posts page gets poped up.



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  • Sorry, the combination of too much caffeine and an impatient boss…

    I replied to Petra via email a short while ago with several sites (blogs) that are, and are not, working.

    We have a rather large number of sites related to travel. Can a single login ID be used for all?

    Hey, no problem at all, we understand the situation you’re in and we would love to help you out! Really!

    Allow me & Petra to take an extra look at this whole mess we’ve got you in and hopefully we’ll be able to get back to you with some viable solutions. Hopefully it’ll be sooner than later!

    Thanks again for responding & we’ll email you ASAP! Take care & have a nice day!


    For what it is worth. The problem described here was solved by me by not blocking “fake googlebots”. When I had my “All In One …” security blocking fake googlebots trhere was no way I could reach the Zemanta gallery … but it worked right a way when I allowed the bots.

    This is of course not a good way, and I have tried mantain security through other options, but at least it solved it right there. Hopefully you guys at Zemanta can solve this problem and let me get back to blocking fake google bots the normal way again … your service is far too good to allow this to continue …

    Hey, thanks for the update from your side, much appreciated (and thanks for the nice words)!

    Were you getting any error messages by any chance, before your “hack”? I installed that plugin on one of our test blogs and all seems to be working well (out of the box installation).

    May I ask you what’s the URL of your blog? I’d love to take a closer look at it (from our “preferences” perspective), if possible.

    Let me know, I’m eager to help you out! Take care & have a nice day!


    Yes and no, The Gallery was greyed out and I was asked to register … which never did anything to fix the problem.

    My site is at https://www.stateofglobe.com

    Hey, would you please be so kind and delete your cache (browser data), restart your browser and try again?

    We made a few tweaks which I think should get this thing sorted, but we really want to hear it from you first, if possible.

    Let us know what’s up, we’re eager to hear the results! Take care & have a nice day!


    It works!! Thank you so much!!

    Hey! Glad I could be of any help, to be honest!

    Let me know if something similar happens again or if you have any other questions, since I’ll gladly help you out!

    Take care & have a nice day!


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