• I have tried several times to upload photos to my independent WordPress Blog.
    Each time, I get the following message:

    Unable to create directory /home/rechtas7/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2006/04. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    I do not have this problem with my simple WordPress blog.
    I posted this problem once before and got back answers too technical. If someone gives me a code answer, can that person also tell me exactly where to go to change code (if that is necessary)? Step-by-step.

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  • All you have to do is go to /home/rechtas7/public_html/wp-content, create a directory named ‘uploads’ and CHMOD it to 777.

    Thread Starter recharger


    Thanks for your reply, but, when you write go to:


    what comes before that? my wp domain name? Or WordPress, or do I reach it through my FTP?
    I’ve tried all three?
    Sorry to be so stupid, but I’m pretty lost.

    You should go there through your FTP client.

    Then create a new directory named ‘uploads’ and CHMOD it to 777.

    Then try uploading and tell us if it works or not. If not, what’s the error message this time?

    Thread Starter recharger


    Thanks, I will try it.
    Another question: can you recommend a good, free FTP software for the Mac OS?
    I’m using Fetch now, but not sure I like it.

    I don’t use FTP client at all. I use https://surftp.com.

    If you are paranoid about giving out the password there, you can set up that script on your site by going to https://www.net2ftp.com/

    Thread Starter recharger


    Through my FTP, I’ve created a new directory called “Uploads.”
    Your directions after that “CHMOD it to 777” I do not understand. Do I do that after I’ve uploaded it?

    1. Be aware: “uploads” and “Uploads” might not be the same!
    2. I am not a Mac user, but as far as I know, there always has to be (in any FTP client) an option where you set the permissions on that directory. Select it and see what tools/oprions/actions do you have.
    You change the permissions before you start to upload stuff. Otherwise it will not let you.

    Thread Starter recharger


    Okay, I went to my Wp-content folder, I did control + mouse to open the permissions file. Found it. There was a CHMOD number, but it was not writeable (as it is in the WP lessions). Perhaps I’m using the wrong FTP? Anyway, the CHMOD is 755. But I can’t change it.

    I have the same problem as the first post
    Unable to create directory /home/rechtas7/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2006/04. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
    I don’t understand the question let alone know the answer.
    I’m a new user and I’m not a geek so all this code stuff means nothing to me. I have Flickr and Deviant Art accounts and their upload pages just work as you’d expect.
    Does this mean that WP can’t upload in the same way. If so what’s the point of having that option? Is there a default setting for it not to work? If so how do I change the settings so I can upload normally without using a ftp programme?

    My message is slightly different…

    Unable to create directory /home/virtual/site490/fst/var/www/html/blog/wp-content/uploads. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    But i guess the same problem

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