• Resolved KalleL


    When we uninstall WP Slimstat 3.6.4 the tables WP Slimstat created in the database are not being deleted. We have tried upgrading to the latest version and then uninstall but it does not work either.

    The uninstall script that is included is obviously not working correct.
    For example have you forgot to remove wp_slim_stat_archive table in the uninstall script.

    Is it possible you can create a PHP script that delete all tables and settings that WP Slimstat create so that we can re-install the latest version.

    We need to do this as quickly as possible because of the vulnerabilities that exist in previous versions of WP Slimstat.


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  • Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    The script to uninstall Slimstat hasn’t changed much in the last few years. Version 3.6.4 includes its own code, as you can see here:


    why it’s not working on your server is a different question that your log files might answer. However, you can simply drop the tables via phpmyadmin, if you’re concerned about the integrity of your data, and do a fresh install.

    As for the table wp_slim_stat_archive, we haven’t forgotten to remove it. When we introduced this new feature, users explicitly asked us to not delete it, since it is considered an ARCHIVE and not actively used by the plugin other than for storing old data.

    What we can do is to add a setting that allows you to decide if you want the archive to be removed on uninstall or not. Does that work for you? ??


    Thread Starter KalleL



    But can this be related to that we are running WP Slimstat as a WordPress network install?

    I can without problem login to MySql and delete the tables manually, but it is obviously something wrong with the uninstall script since no tables are deleted when we try and uninstall the plugin.

    Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    As you can see from the link here above, the uninstall procedure is compatible with network environments, and it will delete all the tables related to Slimstat that have been created so far. You might have some other restriction in place that doesn’t allow the script to do its job.

    Thread Starter KalleL


    The error message I receive is: “Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreing key constraint fails for DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_slim_browsers” and also “Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreing key constraint fails for DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_slim_content_info”.

    After doing some simple debugging:

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_slim_outbound
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_slim_stats
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_slim_outbound
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_slim_stats
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_slim_outbound
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_slim_stats

    A correct uninstall code should generate:

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_1_slim_outbound
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_1_slim_stats
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_2_slim_outbound
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_2_slim_stats
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_3_slim_outbound
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_3_slim_stats

    QA, QA, QA !!!

    Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    Wait a second, the code uses the current table prefix:

    $_wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix}slim_outbound");
    	$_wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix}slim_stats");

    I just installed Slimstat on a test network environment with 3 blogs, and then uninstalled it, and it worked. Not sure why in your case $wpdb->prefix is ALWAYS wp_. I’ll keep looking into this.

    Thread Starter KalleL


    That’s strange!

    I don’t know why it works for you and not for us.
    We have a standard network install and we have not change anything manually in the database.

    Maybe a WordPress bug?

    Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    I’m testing a few scenarios, I’ll get back to you asap.

    Thread Starter KalleL


    Using $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_blog_prefix($id) in slimstat_uninstall and passing the id for each blog to slimstat_uninstall($_wpdb = '', $id) took care of the problem.

    $GLOBALS['wpdb']->prefix just doesn’t work. It just return “wp_”.
    I do not know why?

    Also, since you are using “AND deleted = 0 AND spam = 0” there might be tables left in the database making it impossible to remove wp_slim_content_info and some other tables because of foreing keys.

    I modified your uninstall script and now it runs correct:

    // Avoid direct access to this piece of code
    if (!defined('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN')) exit;
    $slimstat_options = get_option('slimstat_options', array());
    if (!empty($slimstat_options['addon_custom_db_dbuser']) && !empty($slimstat_options['addon_custom_db_dbpass']) && !empty($slimstat_options['addon_custom_db_dbname']) && !empty($slimstat_options['addon_custom_db_dbhost'])){
    	$slimstat_wpdb = new wpdb($slimstat_options['addon_custom_db_dbuser'], $slimstat_options['addon_custom_db_dbpass'], $slimstat_options['addon_custom_db_dbname'], $slimstat_options['addon_custom_db_dbhost']);
    else {
    	$slimstat_wpdb = $GLOBALS['wpdb'];
    if (function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite()) {
    	$blogids = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_col($GLOBALS['wpdb']->prepare("
    		SELECT blog_id
    		FROM $wpdb->blogs
    		WHERE site_id = %d", $GLOBALS['wpdb']->siteid));
    	foreach ($blogids as $blog_id) {
    		slimstat_uninstall($slimstat_wpdb, $blog_id);
    $slimstat_wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->base_prefix}slim_browsers");
    $slimstat_wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->base_prefix}slim_screenres");
    $slimstat_wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->base_prefix}slim_content_info");
    function slimstat_uninstall($_wpdb = '', $id){
    	// Goodbye data...
    	$_wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_blog_prefix($id)}slim_outbound");
    	$_wpdb->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_blog_prefix($id)}slim_stats");
    	// Goodbye options...
    	$GLOBALS['wpdb']->query("DELETE FROM {$GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_blog_prefix($id)}usermeta WHERE meta_key LIKE '%wp-slimstat%'");
    	// Remove scheduled autopurge events
    Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    This is great, thank you KalleL. I’ll test it later today and add it to 3.9.7.

    Thread Starter KalleL


    Great! ??

    It would be great if the capability under Permissions > Reports could be set to “Publish_posts”. Currently it is being set automatically to “activate_plugins” with is not optimal in a WordPress network.

    I would be more than happy to also help you test the Network Settings & Network View if you can send me a copy of those add-ons.

    Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    It would be great if the capability under Permissions > Reports could be set to “Publish_posts”. Currently it is being set automatically to “activate_plugins” with is not optimal in a WordPress network.

    You can do this via our Network Settings add-on. Supporting our team by purchasing a license would be a great way to say thank you ??

    Thread Starter KalleL


    Sending me a copy of your network add-on would be a great way to say thank you for helping you find the bugs in your uninstall code ??

    And you would also get QA for free ??

    Plugin Author Jason Crouse


    All right, contact us at support.getused.to.it and we’ll see what we can do ??

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