• I have installed and activated plugin. I created the file php-error.log using filezilla and placed it in the directory “logs” at the root (remote site: /logs) and ensured the file permissions. Copied the code to wp-config.php.

    I get the error: The log file /logs/php-errors.log does not exist or is inaccessible.

    I also tried the absolute path: /home/content/05/6493705/html/RockyMtnRafting/logs/php-errors.log

    I don’t get what I am missing. Not sure if it is the right path or the file permissions.

    Any help would be appreciated.


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  • river2surf, did you ever get this sorted?
    I have same problem

    Thread Starter river2surf


    Unfortunately not!

    Plugin Author Janis Elsts


    Usually you need to use the absolute path – as in, the path from the root directory of the entire server, not just a path relative to the WordPress directory or your home directory.

    I did get it to work (now just says “The log file is empty” !) with the full path and correct permissions:
    You have probably done all this Ok, but just in case it helps, here it is blow by blow:

    I created an empty logfile called php-errors.log (initially as a text doc then renamed it).
    I dragged it into the existing directory “logfiles” which sits next to the htdocs directory.
    I right clicked the php-errors.log file for Options and set its permissions to 664, similar to another log file I found.

    I added this to my wp-config.php file.
    Was not sure where to out it so did so
    after the line:
    /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

    /** Extras for Log file */
    ini_set(‘log_errors’, ‘On’);
    ini_set(‘error_log’, ‘/home/linweb25/h/humanbottleneck.com/user/logfiles/php-errors.log’);

    then saved it.

    I then refreshed the dashboard page:
    This stopped the error you posted (just says The log file is empty.), suggesting that it now finds the error log file.
    I moved my error logs out of htdocs for reasons of security, directing them to the higher level folder logfiles.

    Good Luck

    I am now unsure if it is working as it still just says log file is empty, yet I can see from the “error_log” file in the same logfiles directory, that I have had a dozen or so errors in the last few days.

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