• Hi!

    I have been using SharePress for three years now, and have had very few problems. Thanks!

    My website is FilmRise.com

    However, I woke up this morning to see that none of posts were shared during the evening, and I was given the following error in each case (with a different URL). Here’s an example:

    Last Post Failed: The object at ‘https://filmrise.com/ozzy-osbourne-talks-about-911-i-wasnt-scared-i-was-excited/’ previously had type ‘article’ and cannot be changed to an object of type ‘website’ to avoid data corruption of existing actions.

    I don’t recall any changes to my site outside of accidentally clicking “Flush Facebook” under a post once last night, and I believe nothing shared properly since then.

    I have tried unchecking every og box in the settings to no avail, also switching og type to website from blog and vice-versa. Additionally, I also re-installed the plugin and reset the settings, but I have had no luck.

    It doesn’t look like any other plugin on the site using Open Graph outside of my SEO plugin (All In one SEO), which I disabled for a moment to test if I could share again…which didn’t work.

    I scoured your support forum, but I haven’t had any luck finding a proper fix. Can you guys lend me a hand? I really want to continue using SharePress!

    Thanks a lot,


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  • Thread Starter basekick


    I just did a test, and it looks like New posts are sharing, but are not appearing with images on Facebook.

    Here is a link to the Facebook page to get an idea: https://www.facebook.com/FilmRise

    I have tried re-sharing published posts that have already been shared at least once, but they all put up errors.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    Hi Nick. Hope you have got it fixed- I have some other bugs ongoing and I am finally able to give something back here…

    The problem I had was a bad fix to another problem- my brand not displaying on FB posts..

    I was advised to add this code to the same place as google analytics tracking code-

    I removed it and prob is gone back to sharepress working again ??

    I also read about Open Graph issues on other WP forum posts and repetitions of open graph tags… og:image seems to be a major culprit…

    Hope this helps… Luke

    Here is the code i removed

    <script type="application/ld+json">
    ? ? {
    ? ? ? "@context": "https://schema.org",
    ? ? ? "@type": “Luke Woods Photo”,
    ? ? ? "url": "https://www.luke-woods.com",
    ? ? ? "logo": "https://luke-woods.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/lwp32.png"
    ? ? }
    ? ? </script>

    Hi, I just fixed a multiple org.url problem and now I have another..

    SharePress Error: Object at URL ‘https://luke-woods.com/love-your-local-market/&#8217; of type ‘article’ is invalid because the given value ‘4321’ for property ‘fb:app_id’ could not be parsed as type ‘fbid’.; while sending “Love Your Local Market #LYLM2015 – https://luke-woods.com/love-your-local-market/&#8221; to Facebook for post 8683

    Anyone got any clue about this?

    Best, Luke

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