• Replying to the email asking for follow-up after the update to version

    When I am creating an new email, I click on the SP (SendPress) icon and the window opens for me to select a post opens. I type a word (or two) into the search term box and hit enter. No post are displayed fopr me to select and the grey area beneath the search box shows the words “No post selected” I cannot figure out how to add a post to my email.
    Debug Info:
    WordPress Version: 3.6.1
    SendPress Version:
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    Port 587: blocked

    Support Info:
    ### Begin System Info ###

    ## Please include this information when posting support requests ##

    Multi-site: No

    SITE_URL: https://www.cookingexchange.info/ceinfo-test
    HOME_URL: https://www.cookingexchange.info/ceinfo-test

    SP Version:
    WordPress Version: 3.6.1

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    Database Tables:
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    WordPress Memory Limit: 40MB
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    FSOCKOPEN: Your server supports fsockopen.


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    GetMeCooking Recipe Template: 1.25
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    SendPress: Email Marketing and Newsletters:
    Sidebar Login: 2.6.0
    Simple Ads Manager: 1.7.61
    Simple Social Icons: 1.0.2
    Table of Contents Plus: 1308
    TablePress: 1.1.1
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    Theme My Login: 6.3.8
    UppSite – Go Mobile?: 5.0
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    Viper’s Video Quicktags: 6.4.5
    WishList Member?: 2.71.1440
    Wordpress Statistics: 3.2
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    WP Missed Schedule: 2013.0730.7777
    WP SMTP: 1.1.5
    WP Super Cache: 1.3.2
    YouTube Channel: 1.5.1


    Backcountry Child Theme: 1.0.1

    ### End System Info ###


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