Unable to reset WordPress password
Greetings! I recently helped a friend set up a WordPress site on his host at Nearlyfreespeech. We set up a database using their phpadmin tools. We were successful getting it up and running. A few days ago he was working on his site in his WordPress dashboard (I believe the last thing he was working on was a plugin called Jetback) when he was logged out. He tried to log back in but was unsuccessful. Today I discovered that he unable to login into any of the tools we used to setup his new site. Long story short, I was able to restore his access to Nearlfreespeech, and to his phpmyadmin login. But we were unable to log him back into the WordPress dashboard, and we can only access his site by using the short name, and not with his domain name.
Here the steps we took to attempt a successful login.
– emergency.php script
– deleting all themes and plugins that had been installed after the initial installaton
– using his phpmyadmin tools to change the password for WordPress
– deleting and reinstalling WordPress on his server (did not delete wp-config or wp-content)
– sitting for a long moment looking sternNone of these methods were successful. I hope I have given enough information to be of use.
I have set up and am running to WordPress sites of my own for about a year with no problems.
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