• Hi all, when I try to update WordPress I get the following error Unable to reach www.remarpro.com at cURL error 35: gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS fatal alert has been received.

    The health check shows :

    WordPress Version 4.9.7 ( Latest version: 4.9.8 ) – We strongly urge you to update, as minor updates are often security related.
    Plugin Versions
    Your site has 8 plugins waiting to be updated.
    Your site has 1 inactive plugin, it is recommended to remove any unused plugins to enhance your site security.
    Theme Versions
    Your site has 1 installed theme, and it is up to date.
    Your site does not have a default theme, default themes are used by WordPress automatically if anything is wrong with your normal theme.
    PHP Version 5.6.34-0rnx2 – For best performance we recommend using PHP 7.2 or higher.
    Database Server version 5.0.32-Debian_7etch5
    – For performance and security reasons, we strongly recommend running MySQL version 5.6 or higher.
    JSON Extension Your PHP install supports JSON.
    MySQL utf8mb4 support WordPress’ utf8mb4 support requires MySQL version 5.5.3 or greater
    Communication with www.remarpro.com Unable to reach www.remarpro.com at cURL error 35: gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS fatal alert has been received.
    HTTPS status You are not using HTTPS to access this website.
    Secure communication Your WordPress install can communicate securely with other services.
    Scheduled events No scheduled events have been missed.
    Background updates
    No version control systems were detected.
    Your installation of WordPress doesn’t require FTP credentials to perform updates.
    All of your WordPress files are writable.
    Loopback request The loopback request to your site completed successfully.

    Any help is appreciated

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  • Hi @michelefaccini

    Thank you for writing the w.org forums.

    For short/immediate term a workaround is to update manually, i.e. guide here:
    “Manual Update”

    As for the update method being used when the symptom happens — what are some steps to replicate this?

    For example which screen/window/app to start on, and then what keyboard strokes (or mouse-clicks or screen-taps) to perform, in order to reliably reproduce the symptom? (with a screenshot as apt)

    Also, unfortunately from the error message alone I don’t initially know whether the symptom is caused more by WordPress or more by something else in the environment.
    Have you considered copying this WordPress installation to a different server (if its an option) and running the update there, to see whether the environment/server is a factor?

    Will you write us back afterwards to let us know how it goes?

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    >> TLS fatal alert has been received. <<

    Usually this indicates that your server is either not properly configured or using an out of date version of the openSSL libraries.

    How are you hosing your site?

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