Sorry, my response was really directed at MiddletownMike’s “get the problem fixed instead of trying to figure out a ‘work around'” and “call over there and see how they fixed it!”
It wasn’t directed at you in the slightest, and I honestly forgot about your previous response while writing it. I’ve editing the beginning of my response to clarify that.
Something has obviously changed, probably on Google/Blogger’s end, and there has been a fix on, so it seems like it’s probably something relatively straightforward given how quickly they were able to get it fixed.
It’s not as easy as you might think. is actually a heavily customized multisite WordPress system. What they do over there to resolve the issue may not work with WordPress itself. It’s also entirely possible that the problem could be related to how your server configuration handles Google’s new changes. This could certainly be a relatively easy fix for (as they control their own servers), but would require a change to be made by your hosting provider, not WordPress.
is the importer actually part of core? I originally thought so and then realized that it’s actually a separate plugin, albeit one put out by “wordpressdotorg,” but nonetheless requires downloading/installing a plugin
The importers were removed from the core and turned into plugins to reduce bulk. In future releases, they’ll be identified as “core plugins” (plugins developed and supported by the WordPress team) along with a few others.
I was more hoping that by drawing some attention to this, and the fact that it’s been fixed on, that we might catch the eye of someone who is more fluent in this sort of issue to help get it fixed for the .org users.
It looks like the bug hasn’t been officially reported yet. I strongly suggest that you report it to get the attention of the right people. Follow this guide:
Thank you for your patience, and I apologize for the confusion earlier.