• Resolved lindaandjon


    I’m sure I’m missing something obvious but I cannot get the Trackme Android App to post to my wordpress site. I’ve set a user up on wordpress, added this to the android app, added my address in the URL Header section and the app says it uploads the position correctly but no tracks ever appear in my Trackserver Manage tracks section.

    Any ideas what I’m doing wrong please?


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  • SQL dump -> string(274) “SELECT t.id, t.name, t.source, t.comment, min(l.occurred) as tstart, max(l.occurred) as tend, count(l.occurred) as numpoints, t.distance FROM wp_ts_tracks t INNER JOIN wp_ts_locations l ON l.trip_id = t.id WHERE user_id=’1′ GROUP BY l.trip_id ORDER BY tstart DESC LIMIT 0,20”

    Plugin Author tinuzz


    Hi o0timbo0o,

    That query looks right to me. Could you run that query in MySQL directly, via the CLI or phpMyAdmin for example? I’m curious whether the result contains any tracks.

    Can you tell me:
    – your WordPress version
    – the operating system you run it on
    – the version of PHP

    I’m suspecting some sort of an incompatibility here.


    WordPress: 4.2.2
    Webserver : cpsrvd
    Database client version: libmysql – 5.1.73
    PHP extension: mysqli

    Screenshot of query

    PHP Version 5.4.40
    Operating System linux
    Perl Version 5.10.1
    Kernel Version 2.6.32-431.29.2.el6.x86_64

    Hi! I cannot understand why when you install the plug-in does not appear in the table in the database?
    They should appear when you install the plugin

    entries in wp_ts_tracks is being created by oruxmap but there are no entries created in wp_ts_locations

    Plugin Author tinuzz


    Hi o0timbo0o,

    First, you had me scared with Php Version:, but I think that’s the version of phpMyAdmin you’re running, am I right? I was talking about the actual version of PHP.

    Trackserver absolutely needs PHP 5.3 or newer to function and there is no way it can ever support 5.2 or lower.

    I can also explain why only one track is shown in Trackserver and in the result of the query you posted, even though there are two tracks in your database. The second track (the one by OruxMaps) likely does not have any locations (trackpoints) associated with it. Is that correct?

    Trackserver will only show tracks with at least one Trackpoint. I realise that this may be less than obvious and it may not be practical either, so I think I will change that behaviour.

    OruxMaps sends a request when online tracking is started, at which point the track is created in Trackserver. It then collects track points for some time (I’m don’t exactly remember how much time, it could be 30 seconds or 2 minutes) and then sends a bunch of them in a single request. So when testing with Orux, you should at least wait a few minutes before ending the track and checking with Trackserver, to give it a chance to send some locations.

    Given all of this, do you have any other issues with Trackserver?


    Plugin Author tinuzz


    Ah, it took me some time to write my answer and I missed some posts.
    WordPress 4.2.2 on PHP 5.4.40 is a supported combination and it should work.

    Don’t any locations appear in wp_ts_locations even after tracking for some time? It seems to me that OruxMaps with MapMyTracks doesn’t send a whole lot of location updates. Please give it plenty of time to collect some points.

    I get far better results in OruxMaps with offline tracking and then using the ‘Share as GPX’ function and uploading the track to Trackserver with AutoShare. But that’s not ‘live online tracking’ of course ?? For live tracking, I prefer TrackMe for now. I hope to work with the developer of OruxMaps to improve the experience.

    Plugin Author tinuzz


    Hi Tefal,

    Can you deactivate and re-activate Trackserver and see if the database tables are created then?

    Just to be sure, the table names are ‘wp_ts_tracks’ and ‘wp_ts_locations’, but only if your table prefix is ‘wp_’ (see $table_prefix in your WordPress config, wp-config.php in the main WP directory).

    So the table names are ${table_prefix}_ts_tracks and ${table_prefix}_ts_locations.

    I’ve just been for a short drive 5 miles and had the tracking going , the track entry is created in the wp_ts_tracks but still no updates are received in the wp_ts_locations

    you can see the last location received was from trackme at 09:12

    Yes, I deactivated and activated the plugin several times. Table prefix “wp_”. But tables plugin not created

    Plugin Author tinuzz


    Hm, that looks like a real problem then. Problem is that Im not sure how to find the bug without access to the server. The process is quite complex and there are many places where it could go wrong, but there isn’t an obvious one.

    What /should/ happen, is that OruxMaps sends a request which is a simple POST request that has at least the parameter ‘request’ set to ‘update_activity’ and a parameter ‘points’ containing some space-separated coordinate pairs. Trackserver should reply with an XML message that looks like this:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

    Is there any way you can test if that behaviour is actually happening, for example by running wireshark on the webserver?

    If not, can you run a command line HTTP client like ‘wget’ or ‘curl’ somewhere? I could give you an example of an invocation of such client, to mimic OruxMaps’ behaviour and see what the results are.

    Plugin Author tinuzz



    Can you tell me:
    – your WordPress version
    – the operating system you run it on
    – the version of PHP



    i’m quite happy for you to jump on my pc via a remote session as this might start getting a bit heavy for me !

    if you contact me at [email protected]

    i can give you some access to my pc

    Plugin Author tinuzz


    Hi o0timbo0o,

    I’ve got some other ideas, but I need some time to work them out, and as I’m in the middle of $dayjob, I can’t do that right now.

    I’ll contact you by mail to see what we can work out!


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