Unable to get report generated
Hi Matt,
I’ve install the plugin on 4 blogs I have hosted with HostGator. None generates reports. I’ve tried WP Cron, Ajax and session flush – No Joy.
Any other advice?
A few things you can try:
1) In the advanced options, make sure that it is set to log API errors. If it gets an error back from google’s pagespeed service it will create a .txt file in the log folder of the plugin with the error details. If log files are created please post back with information about the error you receive.
2) Some people have recently had issues with the database tables needed by the plugin not being created properly when the plugin was installed. This is possibly due to the installation method used, some are using a tool that installs the plugin automatically across multiple WordPress sites. Try removing the plugin, and doing a traditional install from the WP Admin area and trying again.
If you are still having issues, I would be willing to log in to your admin area and look specifically at your site to see what is causing it to not function. If you would like me to do so, you can create a temporary admin user for me and send the credentials to me through my sites contact form. https://mattkeys.me/about/
Hi Matt,
thank you for the fast reply.
1. I see only “Log API Exceptions”, not “Log API Errors”
2. I did install it via WP dashboard, but still no reports.I did sent you the login details
Please let me know you received them and you coudl actually login.API Exceptions is what I meant to say so that is good. I received and tested the admin credentials you sent. I am about to head out for dinner but I should be able to take a look at this later tonight or tomorrow and will let you know what I find.
OK great
Okay, I was able to take a look at your site. It appears that your API key is valid, but that the PageSpeed Insights API has not been enabled in your account. The exact error being returned from google is: “Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project.”
You can reach the developer console here: https://code.google.com/apis/console/
This is a screenshot of the line you are looking for from my own account: https://cloudup.com/cgRxCNAXmgX. There is also a walkthrough here if needed: https://mattkeys.me/documentation/google-pagespeed-insights/#required_configuration
There is normally a notice from the plugin that is printed to the screen when this error is returned from Google, but for some reason it is not displaying properly on your site. I am unsure if it is an isolated issue or if this error isn’t displaying properly on other sites as well. I will continue to diagnose locally and release a fix in the next version of the plugin if I can reproduce it.
Let me know if you continue to have any issues after enabling the pagespeed api in your account.
Matt Keys
Hi Matt,
thnak you for taking care of the issue I’m havinf.
In regards the error you mentioned, I also saw that kind of alert a couple of times while I was trying to solve the issue myself, and I checked that the API is activated and it is activated, as you can see here: https://copy.com/hXeM21G4RLHY
If you have any additional advice please let me know.I replaced your key with a key that I know to be properly setup, and the error from Google went away. So there is definitely something different about your API key that is causing some issues. I would suggest starting a new project from scratch to generate a new API key to make sure that everything is configured per the docs.
However, it would appear that there is another error being generated on your site that I have not seen before. After putting in a known-good API key, I got this error:
Google_CacheException Object ( [message:protected] => Could not create storage directory: /tmp/Google_Client/d9 )
It sounds like your hosting provider may be overly restrictive or not properly configured as the Google API library is not able to write to your servers temporary directory. Who do you host your website with?
I will leave my API key on your site for now so that you can diagnose this new issue with your web host provider without having to worry about the API key being bad while you do it.
Hi Matt,
I’m using HostGator as hosting service.
Do you know of any issue with them?I haven’t heard any specific issues with hostgator, but this is the first time I have seen this new issue. A Google search for the error that your site is generating does seem to confirm that it is caused by a problem with the server configuration.
Unfortunately I have not found anyone describing a solution though, only people who have switched hosting providers to work around it. If hostgator is able to provide further insight or a solution please post back here.
OK Matt,
I tried with a different API. Using a different Google account.
Same thing ??
I’ll try to contact HostGator and see what they say.
I’ll let you know.Hi Matt,
I gor back the reply from HostGator support:
It appears that this script is trying to create a directory and file within the /tmp directory which every account has access to. It seems that another user on the server is also trying to tun this script which then causes the ownership to change.For situations like this, we recommend creating the files within your own account to prevent any conflicts with other users. If possible, we recommend setting this script to have save this data to a location such as /home2/………/tmp/Google_Client/
You may need to contact the developer about this possibility though as we are unfortunately not familiar with the script at all. If the path can be changed, this should correct the issue you are currently experiencing.
Please let me know if this would solve the issue.What HostGator is saying then, is that your website shares a tmp directory with the other websites that they host.
The Google API that is used by this plugin will use the tmp directory as defined by your servers PHP.ini. Their suggestion to move the tmp directory into your account is something that is within their control to change.
This is not a change that I can make to my plugin without breaking compatibility for other users of the plugin. Also the area of the plugin that I would need to change is located within Google’s API library, which Google themselves are best suited to make changes to.
Your best options would be:
1) Pursue HostGator to give your account its own private tmp directory to avoid these issues.
2) Upgrade to a better hosting providerThanks for your help in diagnosing these issues with HostGator. I will implement some new error notifications in a later release to try to notify people of this failure when it happens.
OK Matt,
I’m planning to change Hosting, but not yet.
Once I change I’ll let you know.For now thank you for the assistance. I’ll also change the review voting for your help in trying to solve the problem.
Thanks for modifying your review, I appreciate it. Let me know if you run into any troubles with it after you get the hosting situation figured out.
For what it’ worth – and for those trying this from a management site/plugin, I installed this plugin from a wordpress management plugin and the issue Matt describe with the tables is exactly what happened.
As soon as I deleted it, and then installed this plugin direct from the site it worked perfectly.
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