Unable to get negative (“except”) logic working
>> The goal:
I want to display a widget in the side bar on some pages, but a different widget on all the other pages.>> What works:
I’ve created a Content Aware Sidebar that appears as I hoped, containing the widgets that appear on all pages. Call it “MainBar” just for reference.I also created a separate Content Aware Sidebar (Call it “DogsBar”) that has only one widget — ShortCode that adds a slideshow (all photos of dogs).
I set Action to Merge, Target Sidebar: MainBar, Position: Top.
The only Condition is Page Types: single pages, Auto-select new children is On, and Categories = “Dog Pages”. I set the page category for all the dog related pages to this “Dog Pages Category” category and presto! it works! (yay!)>> What I can’t seem to get working:
I made another Content Aware Sidebar that is basically a duplicate of DogsBar, but this slideshow is everything EXCEPT dogs (call it “CatBar” for convenience).
I wanted to display it on all pages that the DogBar does not appear on — basically just negate/reverse the logic for where DogBar appears.
It has the same Action settings as DogBar (Merge into the Top of MainBar).
The Condition is exactly the same as DogPages, but the “Exception” option is turned on. I thought this would read: “Show (merge) CatBar on all pages except those associated with the category “Dog Pages Category”.
If I set it to another page category and turn off the Exception (e.g. Display on Categories = “Cat Pages Category”) It works on those as expected.
Even though that works, I’d rather not have to keep updating the logic every time I add new page categories (adding them to the display list). I’d much rather say “Display everywhere except the Dog Pages Category”.Thanks!!
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