Ooph. Premium theme. Makes it a bit more difficult to fix, but hopefully not impossible. If you’ve disabled all the plugins and it still isn’t showing up, chances are pretty good that it might be the Alterna theme.
First thing you could try is going directly to the url of the page, which would be https://url of your site/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=document
(Need to be logged in to do the above. https://url of your site/wp-admin/edit.php is the url you use to access your posts from the admin side, by adding the “?post_type=document” you’re requesting that it show you the “Documents” screen instead of the “Posts” screen.)
So just plug that url (substitute the “url of your site” with the actual url of your site). With any luck, the conflict is purely a superficial one, and the post type exists but Alterna is preventing the actual sidebar link from being shown.
If that works, then maybe check around the Alterna admin for adding or removing menu items from the admin sidebar? Might be that they have in place some option which prevents menu items from being shown or displayed.
If you can access the “Documents” page but you can’t find said option, there’s two possible courses of action. The first would be to try changing the location of the “Documents” link and see if it’ll show up. This can be accomplished by pasting something like the following code into the functions.php file of your theme (hopefully it has one).
add_filter( 'document_revisions_cpt', 'change_document_menu_location', 10, 1);
function change_document_menu_location( $args ) {
$args['menu_position'] = 5;
return $args;
Try modifying the “5” to any of the numbers located here, underneath the “menu_position” section.
The other option you can try is opening up a support ticket with Active Focus to see if they know what’s going on, or have some sort of simple solution or trick to trigger showing menu items that have been registered by another plugin.
Hopefully this helps, feel free to post back here if you have any more questions or concerns. If you do open a ticket, feel free to post the link and maybe I can +1 it or something along those lines to get it moving along.